October 26, 1937. My, J, N, Hanthorn Wilifam Chrisman High Sehool, Independence, “Missouri, Dear My, Hanthorn: | Thank you for your letter just received this morning. I shall be glad to be there at 7 otcloek Thursday evening, in time for the beginning of your program, - \ Sincerely yours, FCA:AH . Director of Physical Education} WILLIAM CHRISMAN HIGH SCHOOL INDEPENDENCE, MiSSOURI J. N. HANTHORN, PRINCIPAL , October 25, 1937 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: We are delighted that you can be with us. We appreciate the trouble you have taken to make this possible. We are looking forward with pleasure to your coming, Thursday, October 28, at 7:15 p.m. Our program begins at 7:00 otclock. We will be glad to have you at the beginning of the program. The home coming game is played on our field the 29th at 3:00 o'clock. You may have as many tickets as you desire if you can stay over for it. Thanking you again for your presence Thursday night and with every good wish to you in your work, I am, Very sincerely yours, Dy, Khu Kory Jd. N. Hanthorn Novenber 1, 1937. hip, Db, G, Hamilton, Hamilton “holesele Drug ©o., 18th and “yaendotte, — Kansas City, Mo. Dear lir, Hamilton: L want to thank you very much for your kindness to me when I stopped by the other evening. ‘rs, Allen was waiting out in the car for me, and when I re- turned I was under the impression that she, being in an unfavorable parking area, would not want to wait for me to accept your kindness in sitting at the feuntain for a drink. ; | When 1 told her that you were in there she said, “Well, I wanted an ice cream soda myself", so we turned around at the next block and came back to see you, but the young lady said you had just gone down the street. We must have missed you only by a minute. lips, Allen had a letter from Mary tell- ing all about the family, and she wanted you to see it. it was a beautifully written letter and gave in full de- tail all the activities of the family. I desired to explain my abruptnees in hurrying in and hurrying out, and was sorry to have missed you after we returned, With every good wish, I am. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, | Kovenber 2, 1937. iy, “im, VY, Rush, Goodyear Tre & Rubber Coe, 2500 isGee Traffieway, Kansas City, Mo, Dear iir, Bush? am very happy to recommend to you Mr, Charles ©, Hemphill, of Lawrence, Kansas, Way I say that I have known Charlies Hemphill for over 15 years, Ee was a clasemate of my son, Milton Allen, who graduated from the University last — year and is new with the Standard 011 Company. Charlie Hemphill graduated from Lawrence High Sehool, attended the University for a short while, and then took a business courses at the Lawrence Business College. His character is of | the best, his habits are those of a sober individe ual, and hie ability is far above avorage. He is — one of a large family here in Lawrenee. They have always had the respect of the commmnity and are held in high esteem. One of his sisters teaches in the Lawrence public schools, and all the Hemphill family are known for their stability and dependability. I have observed Charlie Hemphill for years, and while he is not the most brilliant individual he is far above the average in intelligence, loyalty, perseverance and stick-to-lt-iveness, He has a fine eheracter and he has no bad habita that I know of, I would be very glad to commend him to you, Very sincerely yours, PCA:AH : 3 Director of Physical Education. B-32A _ 4 Ae 1937. and ha in waar cea on j - an on wee | Pp you en gone wore ina eaurertadle location considering the very swelter- ing atmosphere that we all experienced, I was gled for you to have those tickets because the other people were taken cubeto the stadiun end taken care of without too much difficulty, The Nebraska people got their orders mixed up, but I do not wonder at such a thing because there vas such pressure for tickets that everybody was a bit nervous about the whole situation. if at eny tim you need tickets to any of the big games if you will let mo know I will endeavor to accommodate you. I assure you I will be happy to eali on you should I be in need of a friend tho ean respond so cheerfully to services to others, I want to thank you for your little retiombrance, ani the first time I am in Kansas City <= will stop by and see you, oe Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, SERVING INDEPENDENT | AN INDEPENDENT JOBBER | | DRUGGISTS HAMILTON WHOLESALE DruG COMPANY PHONE HARRISON 7850 EIGHTEENTH AND WYANDOTTE STREETS KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 10/4/37 Dre Fe Ce Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. My dear Doctor: Since you attended the Game Saturday I do not need to tell you how thrilled I was with the entire sixty minutes of playing. Our seats were in the shade and while they were high up we could see every play perfectly and I want you to know at this time that I am very, very grateful for your good attention and kindness. Naturally, I should have secured my tickets earlier but I did not have the assurance of my company until late. Trusting that you will call on me when I can be of service and again thanking you Sincerely, I am with best wishes DGH:HM. Yours very truly, ’ | Lon Octe® or 5, 1957. Rev. Robort A, Hunt 1527 Massachusetts bt we Lewretee, Kansas, Deer Dr, Euants | : Conforming with your reguest this morning I sm mailing you the data you asked for. | If desire s personal conference later I will be glad te see yous. | Very cordially yours, Director of Prysical Béucation. Ria aren 7 Aeene hong eS 6 wr eee ee en "hs eo ei , _ a ff Thee 2 See gecame iio petiee=en stare Ps ae } = z A ey IS : A Ai ees a Ss Fegieaareeis St errncaake Soe oe 5 a ue , : eo ae 4 t fae a ny Psi Ra Tic RR aaa d= Mat hp Res aS a ee i a ft AN See we re oe 3 3. ieee roraee tetas! Zi ae: a) Pees iio oe diet Oat ee Seance: icaeaN Pi 4 aan yy September 14, 1937. MO , c ay lir, Strong ium, Supervisor of th and Physical Bducati: _Wiehita Publie Schools, a Wichita, Kansas, | Dear. ur. Einaans I was der the tmpreceton that T had written you te the effect that Mr, ed Veenker, ‘Director of Athletics at lows State College, is now secret. of the Big Six Association, VYeenke of course, qi handle all of the officiating — . tate. r relinquished this position with the vectorship of athletics. ey tS gi dae tts Tu te er you in ony way F'tant you Fo £001 free to ent . oe MO - 7 { woul suggeet that yor ribs 6 ie; ‘aaa beeause all the directors sitting in on these ansignments are well | ainted with the situation, and Yeenker will net need any more than @ preliminary letter cro you to initiate his c : ——— ‘ $ Very sincerely yours, : FA: Ak ‘Director of Physical Education, 5 WICHITA PUBLIC SCHOOLS STRONG HINMAN Supervisor o, HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION WICHITA, KANSAS September 13, 1937 Dr. F, C, Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lewrence, Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: My officieting schedule for this year shows thet I am to work in the Oklehome-Kensas game at Norman on October 23. This is the only assignment I have for eny of the Big Six schools this fall, end since I have most of my Saturdey efternoons open, I will be available for work in any gemes if a vacancy in the officiating lists should occur. I know that there are some men who transfer to other lo- calities or for other reasons cannot serve after being essigned, and I thought that if any such emergencies erose this fall, thet you might be able to assign me to some of these games. In cese there are any vacancies, either in the regular Big Six schedule or non-conference games, I shell be glad to serve if called upon. Sincerely yours, is Strong fA - Neier f} ae 0. i aye CAA September 2nd ~ 2 2 Fe S Apne nod :. D ‘ ~/s f s a ee / ab i | | oo ef. 1701 Clay St. Toveka, as Deer Mr. Hersh: This will ecknowledge your letter addressed to Dr. Allen. Dr. Allen hes been eondue ting a coaching school et Snirit Leke, Tew: and is not expected in Lawrence until Septeubor 4th. — Your lotter will como to his attention at that time end he will write you, ‘Very cordially yours, Seerctary iv topeka, Kansas. August 15, 19357. Mr, Dr. Allen Kanses University Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen Haye desided to come to Aansas University. After the talk I had with you and Mr. Hargus. I have compaired the work with that of the other schools and the University seams the best betes l.would like to know if it would be the best thing to do, if I should come down before school started and get a program worked out. Yours uregifoed. September 22, 1937. ur, a Py ise Srenn, President, Santingten Laboratories, Inc., Huntington, Iniiena, - Dear Zp, Brenn: Your geod letter of July 7th eame to my _ attention upon my return from vacation in the Laste any time thet is convenient fer you to send the films to the University of Kansas will be convenient for me, I will return them as soon as | i have had an opportunity to show them, Our visual ecucation department bere at the University will gy very good eare of them, and will *eturn them at onee, Slack Horse Troop this sumer. They made an cver= nd stand at Muntington during’ thedy one hundred~ mile week's trek, Rebort, who has been at Culver the last three summers, reports « very splendid tura out ot ths drill and oxhibition the Culver cadets gave in your city under the are light, With every good wish, I an Very cordially yours, FCA: Aa Director of Physidal Eduestion, ve av ER TORONTO tu et eet rg te) | LABORATORIES SANLTATION PRODUCTS HUNTINGTON, IND. Wr July 7the 1957 F, C, Allen, % University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Mr. Allens While visiting the office this week Earl Yoos told me of your de~- sire to see the set of basketball movies you made for the Eastman Kodak Company and which we have been circularizing among basketball coaches in our Seal-0-San advertising campaign. If you will tell me when and where you would like to have this set of films sent I will see that you get them and you can return them to us after you have had the opportunity to show and see theme With kindest regards and best wishes, remain Yours sincerely, HUNTINGTON LABORATORIES, INCe Presidente J elebrenne Lue September 9, 1937, in reply to your + iskees conv ee ee aot eceetes a for graduation in in Physical Education at Gee 7 Sta ae sen ua Geetacevcinn, héee Sad folhanar quired of you on. ee eee suggestions, | pos Your transcript should be sent to ir, Georges 0, Foster, Registrar, for ‘acerediting. The courses "a2 follons if = that have token are. ‘given credit, are 225 First Aid Content & Method of Phys. Ba, Theory of Athictics Rothode of Teaching Swimaing Physical Examination and Prescription of Exereise eee a on & Administration Education ane oma 1 né | ygie Prestice Teaching An academic minor of 20 hours hours is ‘required. I would estimate that you probably would need between + ee on G8 0 * hp eMMwMOE & Ca’ Sineerely yours, ‘Director of Physical Education, 818 Bluemont Avenue Manhattan, Kansas August 23, 1937 Physical Education Department University of Kansas Lawerence, Kansas Dear Sir: In the first part of the summer I wrote to you about the course offered at Kansas University for Physical Educ- ation. You sent to me the proposed course, and I am won- dering if you could tell me what sujbects that I have taken here at Kansas State College that I could substitute for subjects offered at Kansas University. I am enclosing a typewriten copy of the courses that I have taken and the number of hours and grades in the cour- ses that I have taken. Would you check over this list and tell me what you can substitute. I want to finish up at K.U. and I would like to get as many subjects substituted as possible. Although I do not have the funds to enter school this fall, I intend to come to school there the second semester. Do you suppose that I could finish up in three semesters at K.U. ? I would like to take some courses by correspondence that would count toward graduation. “ill you please advise me as to which courses would be best to take by correspond- ence and what the cost of each course would be? If I could not finish up in three semesters, could I finish up in a summer school and correspondence also besides the three semesters. Please let me know as soon as possible what I can do at K. Ue. hanking you very much, I remain, $ Sincerely yours, {Bart hay 5 \ Nes of Ut. “6 / Courses Hours G6 Grades Yo «College Rhetoric I yvCollege Rhetoric II General Chemistry 110 ~Extemp. Speech Personal Health General Zoology & General Tech. II in lec. in Lab. -~ English Literature —-General Psyshology _ Physiology . ~-History & Principles of Phys. Educ. - General Tech. LV nc. Educational Administration ~ Sociology - Educational Psychology Spehish I & II Spahish Readings Library Methods General Geology ‘Journalistic Vocations Elementary Journalism Principles of Y¥ypography Industrial Writing Current History Modern Europe I VANVVANWAHPARMAAANAAROAGN Nonnaws VA OCNRAVAVNAWUHHWANAawWaAaNLA o.. ag Me nh & My grade points are not very high and 1 would have to make up a good many poihts in order to graduate, I know. 7 z 3 ii] diy ist is referred to me for reply. if you cere to write either of them ) for additionel information you may do so. Theory and Hy- a Se aay eee 6 eee oS It om in to course being have the pr Miss Dunkel teaches giene and has cherge of the dancing classes. Phy the pariics sien, thet is the reason we i pt of interested in at a transeri vefer £t to the alr | : % 818 Bluemont Ave Manhattan, “ans. June 11, 1937 University of Sansas Office of Vice-President Lawerence, Kansas Dear Sir: Next fall, 1 am considering very seriously to enroll at the University in the course of Physical Education. I have taken two years of work at Kansas State College, but 1 would like to graduate from Kansas University rather than from the college here in Manhattan. Would you please send me a catalogue of the four year cirriculum offered in Physical Ed- ucation for women? Also, I would like to inquire about work there at the University. Js there much chance of getting work to help pay for the expense of room and board? Hoping to hear from you in the near future, I remain, Very truly yours, Zo GC G — ? ee vse A AL LA Af ?- es