September 22, 1937. ur, a Py ise Srenn, President, Santingten Laboratories, Inc., Huntington, Iniiena, - Dear Zp, Brenn: Your geod letter of July 7th eame to my _ attention upon my return from vacation in the Laste any time thet is convenient fer you to send the films to the University of Kansas will be convenient for me, I will return them as soon as | i have had an opportunity to show them, Our visual ecucation department bere at the University will gy very good eare of them, and will *eturn them at onee, Slack Horse Troop this sumer. They made an cver= nd stand at Muntington during’ thedy one hundred~ mile week's trek, Rebort, who has been at Culver the last three summers, reports « very splendid tura out ot ths drill and oxhibition the Culver cadets gave in your city under the are light, With every good wish, I an Very cordially yours, FCA: Aa Director of Physidal Eduestion,