- fie g f JAF fers ee = 4 L/ {F - cas ( + | MALLOY. DAVIS & WHITE we a ATTORNEYS AT LAW q pf SUITES 605-6 RORABAUGH-WILEY BUILDING 4 HUTCHINSON, KANSAS A.C. MALLOY, DECEASED ROY c.DAVI5 | WARREN H. ee gept. 17, 1937 FRANK S.HODGE WM.H.VERNON,JR. EUGENE A.WHITE Dr, F,~ 6. ALiOn Lawrence Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I am writing you concerning tuition fees of a new student named T. P. Hunter Jr. who has Bormerly lived in Okla. Hunter's sister-in-law came to me today and said that the boy had talked to you about getting in school on resident fees rather than non- resident fees, and that you had told him that if he could establish residence in Kansas by the 2lst of this month that he could get in school on resident fees. T. P. Hunter Jr.'s,father:and mother are separated and have been for considerable time, For the last seven years he has been cared for and expenses paid by his brother T. B. Hunter, His brother T. B. Hunter has been a resident of Kansas for over a year and at the present time resides at 428 West 18th. in Hutchinson, Kansas, 1. B. Hunter is willing to become the legal guardian of T. P Hunter Jr. In this way we can make T. P Hunter Jr.'s address in Kansas as his will be the same as his guardian's, I am writing to ask whether or not this arrangement will meet the resident requireme so Hunter can enter school as a Kansas resident. I afi writing to you as & understand that Hunter talked to you about this matter, If this arrangement is not satisfactory I would appreciate it very much if you would inform me what is necessary to met this requirement. I would appreciate thisx information as soon as possible as I understand that we must have this done by the 21st, I hear that the toys had a successful rush week at the house, and that things point to a fine year for the entire school, : Fraternally, aa fugue A hee ees HS Moon. Psitrit FD Mclautitllnctiny Fe Tote Besant Ate LELAND GRADINGER, GEN. AGT. 936-937 FIRST NAT’L BANK BLDG. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA, 1887 CB. Drake; Treasurer H.C. Mansburg, Medical Director Aug. 24, 1957 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Athletics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allens This is a rather belated letter, but I want to write you to let you know how pleased T. P. Hunter seemed on his return from Lawrence. He is very much enthused about his intentions ef efrolling in EK. U.. this fall. I will say that he is certainly sold on you, Dr. Allen, and I know he wiil be more than pleased with his decision as the years go by. There is one problem which is still worrying him considerably and that is the out-of-state matriculation fee. His brother does not care to go through the adopticn proceedings due to legal and financial reasons. His brother has recently moved to Hutchinson, Kansas and has been paying taxes in the state for more than a year. If this fact will not entitle T. P. to enrollment without the extra fee, his brother has consented to be appointed his guardian. Please advise me the proper way you think this should be handled, as we should like to have this matter settled before T. P. leaves for Lawrence. May I hear from you in the near future? Yours truly, A GeP General Agent. th ANNIVER Y WEAR 1937 Sent. 2nd Se 8.9 te. TP. Hunter 1329 HE, i2th St. Oklehoma City, Okla. Dear lir. Humter: : This will aeckmovledge your teeter addressed to Dr. Allen. | e Dr. Allen has been conducting a eoeching seheol et Spirit leke, Iowa and will not return to Lavrence wmatil Septomber éth. Your letter will come to his attention - that tine = ho will write you. Very condially yours, Secretery Iv Coach ¥, D Wakefield iio Wakefield, Hass. ‘Dear Coach Healey: | ~~ @ Your letege of Siuee Seem wae gene. 50 Ae at Culver, Indiena, where my family and I were Lecated on the shore of Toles Maxineuke Kee, For that reason I failed to answer your letter in time Po he of benefit to your two as, Trepsas and OWOTS « The woek before your Setter was written I. Was called to Karsas City to attend the funeral of my father who had passed away. For this and other reasons I heve not followed some of the details aa closely as I would have under other conditions, I wish you would forgive me for not answering your letter sooner. j I went you to eee that I greatly appreciate yeur interest in sending the transcripts of the boys and writing in their behalf. Obtaining jobs for beys is not a difficult situation if you are on the a early and can get the Jobs Lined up tor | Me ee tu vee We ot ek nck I am not informed —— —— one of the boys - a gtd eM ot If they did, I would —— ou and te p then in every way _ With deen senbiitthed for your pieviidits i am ae | A - Sincerely yours, FCASAE ~~ =———séLveetor of Physical Sdueation, , September 15, 1937. awey de funk th dlr att ue o . cial eel ieee ‘opal Zw WAKEFIELD HIGH SCHOOL WAKEFIELD, MASS. Me |. RECORD OF ......... Woe ee Oe q 933 June 10, 1957 OR DATE ENTERED... Sept. Ii, 1966 DATE LEFT....... : esas, . GRADUATED IN CLASS OF... LEG oe eraduated YEAR SUBJECTS WEEKS eo een GRADES | CREDITS 1933-34 English I 39 5 7 45 Latin I o9 5 70 5 Anc. History 39 5 70 5 Phy. Training oo = 76 1 1934-35 English II 39 5 7 i. 5 basin. is os 5 70 5 French I 39 5 70 5 Med,.History 39 S 85 § Phy. Training og 2 75 1 1935-36 English III 7 39 5 74° 6 Latin lil 39 5 70 oS French II o9 5 70 5 Mod, History 59 5 = 5 Phy. Training o>2 2 80 z 1936-37 English IV 39 5 ae 5 French III a9 5 TO 5 An, History o9 5 70 5 Horticulture 59 5 ae’ 5 Com. Law and Economics og 5 80 5 redtes § Pte Princival. - d 40 min, 70% NUMBER OF CREDITS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION 76 AVERAGE LENGTH OF PERIODS PASSING GRADE WAKEFIELD HIGH SCHOOL WAKEFIELD, MASS. August 25; 1957. ae 2 Se: SA 5 RE a re ee en DATE ENTERED,.-© Pt. 11 , 1955 DAT ee 10, 1957 GRADUATED IN CLASS OF ....-©....... YEAR SUBJECTS WEEKS ene cnn GRADES | CREDITS 1933-34 English I og > 74 5 Civies 39 5 74 5 Gen.MathemaBics og 5 80 5 E1. Science 2 og 5 84 5 Phy, Training . 39 2 5 i 1934-35 English II 39 5 75 5 Wid, History 39 5 81 e Biology o9 5 ak 5 Pen.and Business Forms 39 5 Te 5 Phy. Training oF rs 89 : 1935-36 English III 39 5 79 5 Mod. History 39 5 82 5 Accounting I o9 5 70 5 Commerce and Industry 59 S Tt 5 Phy. Training 59 2 27 z 1936-37 English IV 39 5 80 5 Am, History 39 5 80 5 Accounting II og 5 72 5 Com.,Law and Economics 59 5. 75 5 Principea CQracke ) Polio AVERAGE LENGTH OF PERIODS 40 min PASSING GRADE 70% NUMBER OF CREDITS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION 76 ae / SERVING INDEPENDENT | AN INDEPENDENT JOBBER DRUGGISTS | | HAMILTON WHOLESALE DruG COMPANY PHONE HARRISON 7850 EIGHTEENTH AND WYANDOTTE STREETS KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 9/27/37 Dre Pu Ce Allen, c/o Athletic Department, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. My dear Doctor: I am sorry, indeed, to have caused you so much trovble in procuring the Minnesota-Nebraska tickets. I am in receipt of your letter of Saturday and it is now 12315 Noon and the tickets have not been received at this address. I am going out of town for a few days and if they are not here when I return I will have you call Major Jones by telephone and have him hold the tickets at some designated place. Your package is at Brogan's Drug Store as I told you over the phone the other day subject to your call. Again thanking you and with best wishes, I am Yours very truly, D. Ge Hamilton. September 18, 1937 Mr, D e G, Hamilton, Hamilton Drug wean at? 18th and Wyandotte St., Kansas City, ilo. Dear Mr, Hamilton: I am very happy to have your letter ef the 17th instant, and I em now rushing the cheek to Major Lawrence 4cC, Jones, Director of Athletics at Nebraske, asking hin bo do the very best possible for you. | Some two weeks ago i wrote liajor Jones regarding tickets for other people and he replied that they were at the end of the stadium and in concrete. I take it this is past the goal line. I fear thet they have sold even those tickets, bg now, but I am writing this morning so the letter will be on Bajor Jones' desk early Monday morning. I am using a little pressure in ob- taining these tickets fron him, if at all possible. I am asking that he mail them direct to you, or write you enclosing your check if he is unable to supply them, Two months ago it was reported that all seats in the stadium had been sold. It might “be that he would fill your request for seats in the temporary bleachers et the end of the field. If these are not desirable, if he is unable to ob-e tain better ones, you can of course return them | for a refund. I wish that I had known of your desire sooner, I am very sure I could have done better than at this date. Assuring you it is a pleasure to accommodate you in any manner, I am, with kindest regards, | | Sincerely yours, PCA:AR Director of Physical Education, SERVING INDEPENDENT DRUGGISTS | | AN INDEPENDENT JOBBER | | HAMILTON WHOLESALE DruG COMPANY PHONE HARRISON 7850 EIGHTEENTH AND WYANDOTTE STREETS KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 9/17/37 Dre Fe. Ge Allen, c/o Athletic Department, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansase My dear Friend: I am enclosing our Company's check payable to your order in blank amount for three (3) tickets for the Minnesota-Nebraska Game at Lincoln October 2nd. I trust that you can take care of me at this late date. I appreciate at this late date I will have to be satisfied with whatever is available but my experience has been that most any location is good in the Nebraska Stadium. Thanking you sincerely for your usual kind- ness and with best regards to yourself and family, I am Yours very t > DGH: RM Enclosuree C | ittenllns September 18, 1937. Major Lb. lic. Jones, Director of Athletics, University of Nebraska, Lineoln, Nebraska, Deer Biff: ZI have just received a letter from my eldest daughter's father-in-law, Ur, Db, G, Hamilton, president of the Hamilton bompany, 18th and Wyandotte St., Kansas City, Missouri. He is making @ ewecial appeal to me for three tickets to the ~ Nebraske-ilinnesota game at Lincoln on, October 2. tenthy 3 “a ee a is in ay da —* an wo apprec: anything you covld or him. I am enclosing a blank check executed by Mr. Hanflten and endersed by me. “ill kindly correspond with lr, Eamiiton re what available seats you have left? | if you ere forced to put them in the temporary bleachers eat the end I course, would be sorry. fir, Hamilton is a K. 3. alumnue, and lost a leg Curing his undergraduate days at the University. For that reason I am hoping that he ean be placed in some permanent seat where the danger of injury is lessened. | I promise you that I will not bother you any more than I am forced to do so, because I can appreciate what such irritations mean even in the normal flow of business. Ordinarily I would write to John K, Selleck, and perhaps you vill turn this over to him, but I would appreciate this personal attention of yours if you can do it. With kindest regards, I am Sincerely yours, PCAs AH | Director of Physical Education, September 25, 1957. lr, D, 6 Hamflton, Hanilton Wholesale Drug Co., Kensas City, Uissouri. Dear Mr. Hamilton: Let nie iow 4f this doesn't got the joo dono. I assure you that we will got those three tickets, so count on geing, : I appreciate your many courtesies and I want. you to feel free te cali upon me any time as I know I can deliver those tickets. with every good wish, I em Sincerely yours, FCA:AH Direetor of Physical Education. Se tober i, 1937s. Mp, D, G, Ram&iton, o/o irs. fn. ¥, Blair, 2200 North 4th"Street, Atehioon, Fansee. Dear ip, Bamilton: Coafimsings my phone seuterestion thie morning, I an oxpec tt te leave the tickets at the Hotel — with the mail clerk there, However, should aiggy wrt ay difficulty, = wish Ou o— please *ask for ° the gvner and — tor. Iam taking every ci aaseiion” agajust any slipevup at this lete Gate, In my letter to you dated September 18 you wild 3 ree call a paragraph in the letter as follows: "ZT am using a Little pressure in obtaining these tickets fron aia, if at all possible, I em asking that he mail then direct to you, or write you enclosing your check if he is anable te supply then." -E eeannet see how in the world this orrer hes crept in, but that is over the dan now eae I have three —— for you which ere in Section F Pow Seats 20, 21 e By looking at the stadium chart whi a te printed on. ‘the. back of the tiekot I find that for = is betwoen the 40 and 50 yard. linss. a5 quoting an excerpt tron tia jor Jonest letter ¢ thats 20: "Wang thanks for the great interest you are . ug in beostins eur ticket sale, SERRE eGo Played 40 games, lost 3. ‘e Skeet 7 years fe Fe Stuns tame te F et: te A Te fe aA a & = i i Lost eto then st Delite. te Ly proud of Missouri's resord with Zebrasie. | sathg Wiad aheee guess 46 @ bo0'a : way aubihing a oo wae = 8) Ls ncn ra ae teal Bo : # : i og aed . ag of oe me is ate : i : ia ds Fr % 19876 i H: fh 3 it a Ar 1 ie ae ji igh hs ya 3 B uy i i be iif i a ne dol aie ut yee i BoB Pe H i a ye ya age? a ue : UE sa lie Git : ; ial fe ii , fT i Baed re in ti ; ie lf : E : i fly Galt i il 1 pall il fh 7 ih tie mn + gi ial 2 HY ap DAveetor of Physical Educatione FOAtAE You can know that the Allen family have taken a lot of pleasure in the Hurt's success. PeSe ; ‘November 9% 1987.» Principal Je Te Nanthorn, Williem Chrigman High School, | independeme, iiesourie Near Mrs Hanthorn: I know how busy you are after that rally end glorious victory over Sedalie, anc I can unier= stand how little details are overlocked. I am wondering if you will meil me a check for my expenses — oe , T have go dany of these enat} itons on wy Pinancial budget that - endeavor to consistently keep them after them so that I may reduce then to — 7 é zene sou St: nth & Gedo’ phantat be see you people and te appear at the old school agains Oe ee eee ae congratulations on their wonderful victory. as teas ae to - *£rbend, Superintendent Street. ‘Tt was good to see Siihemeataann October 23, 1937. iy. D, G. Hamilton, Hamilton Wholesale Drug Co., 18th emi Yyandotte, Kansas City, Mo, Dear Myr, Hamilton: I have not been to Kansas City since I saw you in lincoln, Nebraska, However, I am expecting to come Thursday afternoon on my way through to Indepdndence, Missouri, and I will stop by for the package, Thank you very much ; Sineorely yours, PCA: AH Director of Physical Education.