Coach ¥, D Wakefield iio Wakefield, Hass. ‘Dear Coach Healey: | ~~ @ Your letege of Siuee Seem wae gene. 50 Ae at Culver, Indiena, where my family and I were Lecated on the shore of Toles Maxineuke Kee, For that reason I failed to answer your letter in time Po he of benefit to your two as, Trepsas and OWOTS « The woek before your Setter was written I. Was called to Karsas City to attend the funeral of my father who had passed away. For this and other reasons I heve not followed some of the details aa closely as I would have under other conditions, I wish you would forgive me for not answering your letter sooner. j I went you to eee that I greatly appreciate yeur interest in sending the transcripts of the boys and writing in their behalf. Obtaining jobs for beys is not a difficult situation if you are on the a early and can get the Jobs Lined up tor | Me ee tu vee We ot ek nck I am not informed —— —— one of the boys - a gtd eM ot If they did, I would —— ou and te p then in every way _ With deen senbiitthed for your pieviidits i am ae | A - Sincerely yours, FCASAE ~~ =———séLveetor of Physical Sdueation, , September 15, 1937.