September 18, 1937 Mr, D e G, Hamilton, Hamilton Drug wean at? 18th and Wyandotte St., Kansas City, ilo. Dear Mr, Hamilton: I am very happy to have your letter ef the 17th instant, and I em now rushing the cheek to Major Lawrence 4cC, Jones, Director of Athletics at Nebraske, asking hin bo do the very best possible for you. | Some two weeks ago i wrote liajor Jones regarding tickets for other people and he replied that they were at the end of the stadium and in concrete. I take it this is past the goal line. I fear thet they have sold even those tickets, bg now, but I am writing this morning so the letter will be on Bajor Jones' desk early Monday morning. I am using a little pressure in ob- taining these tickets fron him, if at all possible. I am asking that he mail them direct to you, or write you enclosing your check if he is unable to supply them, Two months ago it was reported that all seats in the stadium had been sold. It might “be that he would fill your request for seats in the temporary bleachers et the end of the field. If these are not desirable, if he is unable to ob-e tain better ones, you can of course return them | for a refund. I wish that I had known of your desire sooner, I am very sure I could have done better than at this date. Assuring you it is a pleasure to accommodate you in any manner, I am, with kindest regards, | | Sincerely yours, PCA:AR Director of Physical Education,