September 18, 1937. Major Lb. lic. Jones, Director of Athletics, University of Nebraska, Lineoln, Nebraska, Deer Biff: ZI have just received a letter from my eldest daughter's father-in-law, Ur, Db, G, Hamilton, president of the Hamilton bompany, 18th and Wyandotte St., Kansas City, Missouri. He is making @ ewecial appeal to me for three tickets to the ~ Nebraske-ilinnesota game at Lincoln on, October 2. tenthy 3 “a ee a is in ay da —* an wo apprec: anything you covld or him. I am enclosing a blank check executed by Mr. Hanflten and endersed by me. “ill kindly correspond with lr, Eamiiton re what available seats you have left? | if you ere forced to put them in the temporary bleachers eat the end I course, would be sorry. fir, Hamilton is a K. 3. alumnue, and lost a leg Curing his undergraduate days at the University. For that reason I am hoping that he ean be placed in some permanent seat where the danger of injury is lessened. | I promise you that I will not bother you any more than I am forced to do so, because I can appreciate what such irritations mean even in the normal flow of business. Ordinarily I would write to John K, Selleck, and perhaps you vill turn this over to him, but I would appreciate this personal attention of yours if you can do it. With kindest regards, I am Sincerely yours, PCAs AH | Director of Physical Education,