wae S Je oso “Mr. f. hy Chisholm, Ass't. Secretary Hogkiess Fastener Gompany = - Mesdvitis, ———- A : \ a ee As I teld in my previous letter, 1 heve a jacket eit oat Eine made for me ia 1026. The Jac’ is marked with the initials "F.C.A." on the ' Yseft sleeve and the “ttn Secindind we the comin ‘Phese should be the ifying Marks if it should decome necessery for this information. : I om writing te bowe & Campbell for the exact date of the nurchase. . Gur records at the office do not give this inforcation and oe L paid for it direct rather than through the office. t show have this informa tion within the ‘next few days. § enact be teeny ce aes 2 Soaks sit pie if you get out in this pert of the country — I am plenning to be in Lawrence the big part of the sumer except for a short time when I expect.to teks my son, Robert, ee indiana, where he is a member of the Slack Horse Troop, Ne has been there the two previous sumers and wi ee ee | 3 3 I am, at the present time mane - basket ball ook entitled "Better Basket “Ball, Incorporating Technique, Teetics and Tales." You mey have heard of tne' : book I weeake in 1924 entitied “My Saxken’ Ball Bible.* There is a chapter devoted to the proper treatment and care of athletic injuries, and there are several illustraticne show- Ee Se ow such as your customers who use your fastener are, wrk ~— eee : | 7 The hooded. acket was éeveloped fron ay idea. = al fle we sket without the heed did not give eet Lon to the neck end head, and I conceived dea of extending “the garment to cover the neck and head and to be fastened with the zipver festener. Although I have never made any ¢laim for any rights on the ease of the : winger toad, & Be Peek thet it was beginning of the warn< 2 up garment — its almost universal use at : time. 4