Hutchinson Kansas, september, 16, 1937 Mr.All en, Lawrence,Kansas,. Dear Mr.Allen. I am writting you in regard to my Brother 1.P.Hunter Jr who enrolled in the school there this week. He said they would not except him as a resident of Kansas. ; Mr.Allen since we have established a home,and I have my office here in Hutchinson, I cant understand why 1.P. couldent enroll as a resident of the State. As you might know 7.P. has made his home with me for the last three years,and I have supported him for. the past eight years. So I feel since I have been here in the state for the past nine months all the time,and have been here the most of the time for the last two years, that 1.P.should have the advandage of the resident tuition in the college. i will surely appreciate any thingyou might be able to do for me on this matter. ae Thanking you in advance. I am yours very Truly.