- the Registrar, and he gave we the same information S “, September 17, 1937. ay, Eugene A, White, 605 Rorabaugh-Tiley Building, Hutchinson, Kansas, __. ¥ am answering your commutestion suateehe ing T. P, Hunter, Jr, If called Mr, George 0. ete I gave T, P, to convey to his brother. It is necessary that Mr. T, B, Hunter go to the probate judge of your county and certify that he has been made the le | guardian at 7, ?;% Runter, JX» a Way I give you a resume of this situation. ‘ee Gradinger, a Pi K A from Kansas who now resides in Oklahoma City, wrote me several months ago saying that | he was interested in T, P., Jr. I then received letters from T, P. and other boosters of his toward his coming as @ student at the University. It was explained to me - «~ by Gradinger that T, B. was supporting him, and since he resided in Hutchinson, Kansas, they were wondering if it would be necessary to have him exeused from paying geve mo this information, I em now passing it on to you, 7 ae I would est that you mail this state- ment of the Judge to T, P., Jr., here in Lawrence and he can teke it te the Registrar. I understand that this cument will be sufficient to exeuse T, P, from the out-of-state fee, | 7 ? | ee Yes, the boys had a very successful rush week and I hosar many compliments over the Hill among the academic faculty regarding the fine rush class that they obtained, and further the faculty expressed the notion that the fraternity is growing by leaps and bounds. That is always a pleasing thing to hear. I believe it is justified, E ; ‘With every good wish to you, I am : ‘Praternally, ~ PCASAR _-—s*Dieetor of Physical Education, —