HANFORD AIRLINES, IN GENERAL OFFICES MUNICIPAL AIRPORT KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Nov. 17s 1937 ic. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director Of Phy. Education., University of Kansas, Lawrence, #ansas. Dear Dr. Allen: Thank you for the Washburn game in Topeka. For awhile I didn't kmow whether I would be here or not, but as I told you, I will be around during the basketball season. I am open Feb. @nd, and if the offivals whose names you submitted can't work I would be gladnto. So far my schedyle is Dec. 165 Jan. 13, 21; 315 Feb. 1, 5, 9, to, 2 1205 Mech . ‘tr you can use me in any of your games I would appreciate it a great deal. Alpert F. Hinshaw, : 5002 Park Ave., K. C. Mo. AIR MAIL PASSENGERS AIR EXPRESS Postal Tele ere ay PM iscitrsteen tess signal in the check or in the address. THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM DL DAY LETTER NL. NIGHT LETTER NM NIGHT MESSAGE QT TeRa ted oe ell meinicntye Lo mre, DEFERRED CABLE NLT STANDARD TIME Cables ivaat-> ) Cables NIGHT CABLE LETTER INDICATED ON THIS MESSAGE_ RADIOGRAM Form 30 K V 40 DL TD KANSAS CITY MO 615PM NOV 24 DR FOREST ALLEN UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE KANSAS ~WILL-GREATLY APPRECIATE ANNOUNCEMENT YOUR GAME TOMORROW OF OUR GAME HERE WITH STLOUIS FLYERS TOMORROW NIGHT AT PLAMOR ICE-PALACE ALL SEATS RESERVED FORTY CENTS TO ONE FIFTY STOP aM PULLING FOR WIN FOR YOU TOMORROW BEST REGARDS TO THE FAMILY. HARRY HODG INS 630PM Telephone Your Telegrams to Postal Telegraph 1s pat: INL en ee Dear Porrests | We play Drake University at Des Moines on Deceniber 29. We will perhaps not return fron Des Moines until the next daye We are playing stuthwestern at Winfield on the 2ist and may practice there on the 22nd end permit the boys te go hame from there. Ye may have then return here December 26 T trust thet you can arrange to — Sa , ty ts Sas br on ee a of ee Por cniy katt trust that you wilt be. able to review a eopy because it is the best thing that I have fame, and. T iow you will be happy with Ste ‘Ten. — DE i sheet describing the con= Sincerely yours, | . Woratty Mesbetbal Donahy | FCAsAH Dixeetor of Fhystoal Mtungticns December 3, 1937. Ur. Henry Harper, Sre, | ) oe | , | Your good friend, As Ke Richter, dropped by and euatind tn Soin 4k 1 sak steak Oba 4a Wie eatin I told him that I had turned this over to Elwyn Dees, our trainer, and asked that he ase it and report back, but during football season he was I did tell A. Ke that I would agein emphasize to Sivist: hl esuhailldiy OE Seeding “hha Goch, aa! he Sn deta one I em a ee but heave as yet not procured the guinea pige My son, Bobby, has some little trouble, but he has been using some stuff he cot at Culver and I have not been able to talk him into using this. I have told him that I wanted him to use it, and he said, “But why should I, when this other dues the work?" But I think I will have no difficulty, so I will be able to report in the near future. I have every confidence that this will do the job at a i i ee | athletes’ foot stopper quick, and I believe you have got sonething theres Lote of success to you, Hank,- And also tell As Ke Suits < SEL Spc sone Geumieed cautatin 101 tet S ae. I think we are going to like your shoes. We are playing our first game tonight against the frosh, and then we go into pope with four straight game in four dayse I am going to find out whether my men ere iron men or mice. This ought to tell. , soa The Allen's love to the Harperse Fraternally, : Varsity Basketball Coach, FCA sAH Director of Physical Educationse Mire Fred My Harris, Jie, The Chanute | Cheumrte, Kanaage Dear Freddie: I em enclosing a copy of the Big Six ruling on —— Ralph tells me that he only sorisnaged in the The Six ruling only permits high school boys to play agatnot thelr alumnt grote Kenneth Caldwoll wired However, if he played at might and reguler pm Waa I am afredd pane gy Shey 2 Sean ° This is all i imow about it, Fred, and i believe if ialphts mere I too em sorry that I did not have a chance for a longer it with and your good wife. ‘Ve have had no news vet muna ae ¢ ionatae Ghat Gown As os 0h addition to the aibas teueeiees ta maoeekle We trust that you are both weli, Sincerely yours, Director of cal Education, FOAsAH Varsity Coaches THE CHANUTE TRIBUNE JOHN P. HARRIS ' SIDNEY F. HARRIS CHANUTE, KANSAS January 11, 1958 CLARENCE W, MOODY EDITOR AND MANAGER Dre Fe Cy Allen, Department of Athletics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor: I would appreciate it if you would send me the Big Six ruling on eligibility. There has been considerable comment on the report of a possible ruling against Ralph Miller for participating in a practice with the junior college kere, and I should like to see the actual rules that might affect him. Also, if you care to do so, I should like a @tatement from you on the matter, I know that it might put you, or Ralph, on a spot, so that is entirely up to youe When would an investigation by the Big Six committee be held, if such were required? We have been smothered with questions on the matter, particularly since Kemper's observations Sunday wer¢ printed. They seemed much more positive than Potter s earlier in the week, and have caused a good deal of concern here, TRE BR EF EE EA RE EES SE EE CA Pe SS Te ee fe ae le ; 7 ! | THE CHANUTE TRIBUNE JOHN P. HARRIS ‘ SIDNEY F. HARRIS CHANUTE, KANSAS CLARENCE W, MOODY EDITOR AND MANAGER Dr. F. 0. Allen=-2 I know you understand my position here, and will do what you can to give xke me correct dope. Thanking you very much for your cooperation, I am Slacerely en ! pp ¢ Fred M. Harris, Jr. P. S. Sorry I didn't have a chance for a longer chat with Mrs. Allen, Mit, and yourself the other evening. Has Mit's heir arrived yet? Janury 14, 1958e I had expeeted to have Santa Claus deliver this book to you, but with the rush of basketball season and the many details of gottang the book on the mariet I have neglected to autograph the book in time to got it in the mail for yous Sinse then I have been continuously on the go, and only today did I put the Dec@uber 25th heading on it, so tem still having the old Christus spirit sonewhat velatedly. I trust that you will engoy same of the yarns in the back of the book under the Citic of tales of Yesteryear". ‘There arc a couple of good football yarns in there, as well as sone of basketball, and I am hoping that at least you will. derive @ miniatere mental wallop owt of seme of thane With every good wish, I an Pretormally yours, : \ Director of ical Tiwationy FOASAH | Yareity tashetals Coaches January 12, 1988. Kansas. Dees’ lire Larger: i diy 0 ia he deed te es Ys January to speak at the Rotary Club at 12 o'clock a preg Bn as at wich time you will entertain the high school baclethel? equ, 1% whl? ben pheneure te see yom Mr, Charles Me Targer, Abilene, Sincerely yours, Director of Thysical Education, FOASAH Neapattey Bas Coadle C. M. HARGER, ABILENE THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE, KANSAS CHAIRMAN KANSAS STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE E. F. BECKNER, COLBY STATE OF KANSAS AND APPLIED SCIENCE JOHN BRADLEY, WELLINGTON wilaiela. Kamin ’ Ss SAM R. EDWARDS, BLUE RAPIDS KANSAS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE Lesren McCoy, GARD BOARD OF REGENTS Fale cetebsl aes LESTER MCCOY, GARDEN CITY FoRT HAYS KANSAS STATE COLLEGE DREW MCLAUGHLIN, PAOLA HAYS, KANSAS RALPH T. O’NEIL, TOPEKA EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS KANSAS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE Dr. H. L. SNYDER, WINFIELD OF PITTSBURG, KANSAS January 10, 1938 MARK KRQUCH, SECRETARY ELLEN ALDEN JOHNS, ASSISTANT SECRETARY Dr. Fe & Allen University of Kansas lawrence, Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: The Rotary Club invites you to make a talk on Friday, Janvary 21, at 12 otolock at the Sunflower Hotel. On that occasion we shall entertain the basketball squad of the high school and we shall appreciate it greatly if you accept the invitation. We are sure that you will do the Club and the boys a lot of good and it will be a worthwhile talk. With my personal regards, I am Respectfully, c. uM. Harger, CMH: RP Cha irman Desember 24, 1937» Wise Shixter % Nen Hergiss, 1409 Rhode Island Street, lawrence, lonsace — Shirley, when you cane in wath your teight isd ehanity alka Uke earning. i peeeind nec wy peaked 00 Thad ee or er of fue 2 das bbe ls cee: am sending you ani Clark in this letter, i trust thet you and Clavk will enjoy some shows this wook, Talo along parantd end lot's ali have a good laughs nisine You are a fine little saleswrmtis | 3 | Wishing you a very Merry Chyietmas and a _ Neppy New Year, Tem ; Your wollewisher, | Varsity Dasistball Coash, December 29, 1937. Mire Neary Nez per Dear Homes I have received a fine leather dew from the Wisconsin Shoe Company, and a. Christmas | signed fore.» Commevs wishing mo Christmas greotings, and so Now, < want to see if I can doa little ehiseling, Henk, 4f you can do 4t for mo, i have a vory fine friend in the athletid department, ir, Barl le Falkenstien. He as the financial secretary, Ne was with athletic cae ener of year shen I wan Gisector of athletics, and he is sti] on the job with lire Gwinn Henry, BY Succsesors _ I would like to get a folder for him, if possible, and if you can not get it, it will be all right. It dont ten whathasr Varsity Basketball Coach, December 30, 198%. litte Lowle Ge Hessalden, 403 ip 12th Ste, ALbuquerque, Low UBL GOe ligex Date Hesseldens — | ‘Pesdon my tk i ali oie cammmication of the loth as baa BONO?» The Vestal Meshanieal Laboratories, Ino. of SteLouls, issourl, finished the auditeriua floor where we play basketball. This floor is uder the care of the superintendent of buildings and grounda, lars Cs Ge Bayles. It was he who made tho selection of this —— constructions | hihi, 0 1 be va en Ak Sacred - I would have used the Seal«OuGan finish, a product of the iumiington Laboratories, Uuntington, Indians. I velieve Seal~-OwSan a superlor produdte . Hiaaenee bith: Claus Pendehen ane seep good, as ie the TilMdard floor finish, of St. Joseph Mocourle Very sincerely yours, | | Varsity Basletball Coach, FOAsAH _‘Miseotar of Phyetoal Bawtatiene JOHN MILNE, Superintendent ALBUQUERQUE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO DecemBeR 13, 1937 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE, KANSAS GENTLEMEN? WE ARE SEEKING A FINISH FOR OUR GYMNASIUM FLOOR WHICH WILL ADEQUATELY MEET THE ORDINARY USES TO WHICH GYMNAS!UMS ARE ACCUSTOMED, THE VESTAL MECHANICAL LABORATORIES, INC., OF St. Louis, MISS., HAVE REFERRED TO YOU AS A USER OF THEIR PRODUCTS. WE SHOULD BE VERY PLEASED TO HAVE YOU WRITE US CONCERNING YOUR FRANK OPINION OF VESTAL FLOOR FINISH FOR GYMNASI UMS. VERY TRULY YOURS, Lou =r 403 N. TWELFTH ST. ScHOOL ARCHITECT LGH:MEZ Form 8806 (Rev. Jan. 21, 1935) Receipt for Registered Article No. __ aoe Registered at the: Post Office indicated in Pos Fee paid wi cents Class postage ..../__ suas Declared value YV: Surcharge paid, $__________ Return Receipt fee ae Spi Delty fee = Delivery restricted to addressee: mp petsce , or order Fee paid_____-_. cepting emplo oyee will place his initials in space “ee ting restricted delivery. POSTMASTER, per --____ ees (MAILING OFFICE) The sender should write the name of the addressee on back hereof as an identification, Preserve and submit this receipt in case of inquiry or application for indemnity. Registry Fees and Indemnity.—Domestic bbe op fees range from 15 cents for indemnity not exceeding $5 up to $1 for indemnity not exceeding $1,000, The fee on domestic registered matter without intrinsic value and for which indemnity is not paid is 15 cents. Consult postmaster as to the specific domestic registry fees and surcharges and as to the registry fees chargeable on registered parcel-post packages for foreign countries. Fees on domestic registered C. O. D. mail range from ae 1.20. Indemaity claims must be filed within one year (C. O. D, six months) from date U. 6, GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFION: 1033 c 56852 hooenber 30, 1957 December 7, 1957e — llr. Te YW. Hartley, Charlton Insurance Agenoy, Lawrence, Kansas« ‘Doar Mir. Hartley: , Yee seataatie tiie tae teat Papen ty the Fonein neatiy Teeeeiates Aenea, You can mail the seals to mo at the office, or leave them sone time when you are going bye Varsity Basketball Coach, — Director of Physical Education. Jemuary 5S, 1988. i heave just received a letter fron Red Markley stating thet he and you bad Christaae dimer togethers I have written to Curtis We NeGraw, the vice president of MoGrawl/i1l Book Canpany, asldng him to send you - a copy of “Better Basketball”. I trust that he will send you one, and if he does I would appreciate your sending hin a note of wht you thint: about the book ae inow that he will senicetetcmiae Reached My kindest regards to you and your good familys Sincerely yours, 3 Varsity Basketball Conoh, FCAsAH Suomi of Tagnkeal Showin A.C BALDWIN & SONS, AUSTIN TEX. . “OX" HIGGINS . “SLIM” STEADMAN W. B. “BILL” FORD eae P.0.BOX 697 J. R. “POTSY” ALLEN FT.WORTH -AUSTIN- SAN ANTONIO ety FIELD SCOVELL : LT WSU HRS <00 mM ir January 4, 1938 Mre Forest Phog Allen Basketball Coach Please use the enclosed card to advise from what publisher oa we may obtain this book. Yours very truly C&S ee GOODS COMPANY CLH: HN Ci: ke a A. 7 Ab i Lt nie ] i pl it ap i Nt sa it i i a 3 a ; ' i jit i Pe 8 ia iit A li > ee | tips ay! ag ak ail ay aa a January 11, 1938. Lars Harold Hy Hewking, 808 Me Granby, Rishnond, Virginiae Dear Harolds : We were happy indeed to hear from you with your Christmas greetings Kindest regards to you and Mrs, Hawidinss : Sincerely yours, Director of Bduea «WOAH wee a Jenvary 11, 1988. Mire Cradge Harper, 4915 ig —" | | 7 Kansas City, loe Dear Craiges i too was ee ee Ke U. this year, but sincerely hope you can make en I enjoyed your Christmas greeting and your renenbrances oe ee Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Sducation, FOASAH — Basketball Coache Oe eis GREETINGS 2# CHRISTMAS znd BEST WISHE ore NEW YEAI2 4 WW Keg oe Sank F4GIS Soe BF. 2000 Cat < 2 2. z ui Qa < = January ll, 1938s My, Marvin Harms, 225 Pawnee Road, Wilmette, Tle Dear Maxvins ies idan cant 3 daitinly exdeped en Christmas greeting fran you and Mres Harms. I dropped over Christmas morning and had a fine chat with your sister end my good friend, Je Js Wheeler. They are certainly a great paite With every good wish, I am Sincerely yours, PCASAH Varsity Bas Coathe