HANFORD AIRLINES, IN GENERAL OFFICES MUNICIPAL AIRPORT KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Nov. 17s 1937 ic. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director Of Phy. Education., University of Kansas, Lawrence, #ansas. Dear Dr. Allen: Thank you for the Washburn game in Topeka. For awhile I didn't kmow whether I would be here or not, but as I told you, I will be around during the basketball season. I am open Feb. @nd, and if the offivals whose names you submitted can't work I would be gladnto. So far my schedyle is Dec. 165 Jan. 13, 21; 315 Feb. 1, 5, 9, to, 2 1205 Mech . ‘tr you can use me in any of your games I would appreciate it a great deal. Alpert F. Hinshaw, : 5002 Park Ave., K. C. Mo. AIR MAIL PASSENGERS AIR EXPRESS