Mire Fred My Harris, Jie, The Chanute | Cheumrte, Kanaage Dear Freddie: I em enclosing a copy of the Big Six ruling on —— Ralph tells me that he only sorisnaged in the The Six ruling only permits high school boys to play agatnot thelr alumnt grote Kenneth Caldwoll wired However, if he played at might and reguler pm Waa I am afredd pane gy Shey 2 Sean ° This is all i imow about it, Fred, and i believe if ialphts mere I too em sorry that I did not have a chance for a longer it with and your good wife. ‘Ve have had no news vet muna ae ¢ ionatae Ghat Gown As os 0h addition to the aibas teueeiees ta maoeekle We trust that you are both weli, Sincerely yours, Director of cal Education, FOAsAH Varsity Coaches