THE CHANUTE TRIBUNE JOHN P. HARRIS ' SIDNEY F. HARRIS CHANUTE, KANSAS January 11, 1958 CLARENCE W, MOODY EDITOR AND MANAGER Dre Fe Cy Allen, Department of Athletics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor: I would appreciate it if you would send me the Big Six ruling on eligibility. There has been considerable comment on the report of a possible ruling against Ralph Miller for participating in a practice with the junior college kere, and I should like to see the actual rules that might affect him. Also, if you care to do so, I should like a @tatement from you on the matter, I know that it might put you, or Ralph, on a spot, so that is entirely up to youe When would an investigation by the Big Six committee be held, if such were required? We have been smothered with questions on the matter, particularly since Kemper's observations Sunday wer¢ printed. They seemed much more positive than Potter s earlier in the week, and have caused a good deal of concern here,