December 30, 198%. litte Lowle Ge Hessalden, 403 ip 12th Ste, ALbuquerque, Low UBL GOe ligex Date Hesseldens — | ‘Pesdon my tk i ali oie cammmication of the loth as baa BONO?» The Vestal Meshanieal Laboratories, Ino. of SteLouls, issourl, finished the auditeriua floor where we play basketball. This floor is uder the care of the superintendent of buildings and grounda, lars Cs Ge Bayles. It was he who made tho selection of this —— constructions | hihi, 0 1 be va en Ak Sacred - I would have used the Seal«OuGan finish, a product of the iumiington Laboratories, Uuntington, Indians. I velieve Seal~-OwSan a superlor produdte . Hiaaenee bith: Claus Pendehen ane seep good, as ie the TilMdard floor finish, of St. Joseph Mocourle Very sincerely yours, | | Varsity Basletball Coach, FOAsAH _‘Miseotar of Phyetoal Bawtatiene