A. Keith Richter Henry M. Harper Harry Knott, M. D. The R an d | M e a C al Co. oo FOR For Stubborn Eczema : Minor Burns A\ll Skin Eruptions PLYMOUTH, INDIANA pec. 3, 1957 pr. Forrest Cc. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas bear Phog: Keith Richter told me he stopped in to see you the other day to see how the SKIN-EZ was coming along and that you would drop me a line when you had time regarding it. The reason I am anxious to hear from you is that I am trying to get SKIN-EZ in with L & Cc if possible. I have put samples in some of their stores and their results are very good but I have to convince Red Brown and Royer. I have put out a lot of samples and it is very Surprising what good results are being sent me. The Sutcliffe co at Lohisville, who are a big sporting goods house, have put it in stock and are catalogueing it. Katherine joines me in best wisher to all the Allens, Fraternally yours HEALTHY SKIN FOR HAPPY FEET