& Bovember 12, 1987. w that : wary as I have @ great WILLIAM CHRISMAN HIGH SCHOOL. INDEPENDENCE, MISSOURI J. N. HANTHORN, PRINCIPAL . November ll, 1957 Mr. Forrest Allan Physical Director Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allan: I wish to sincerely beg your pardon for being slow in mailing you the expenses for makine the wonderful address on our rally night. The boys were thrilled by it and attribute much of the victory to the stirring address which you gave _ them. It was not because I was busy or excited over the victory. I will have to iy guilty of neglect. Pieeed do not interpret this eek as . lacking in appreciation for I sincerely did enjoy your splendid talk to the boys. Enclosed find a check for #10, , Every good wish to you in your work. I am looking forward to having the high pleasure and honor of your being with us another year. Very sincerely, Or. Nacthon oi Oe Henthorn 0 & January 31, 19336 es ee Ze is stesitee on following in Paul iendneiaate : Ge If he don tne ax tho Yous mah hve fart mation Twill be happy indeeds | : rth continued good wishes for your euscess and —— Hinaaenig iy ig poe Se aa t b ; Ag i a0 2 dae pT | + Sincerely yours, i j \ fi Bf Ps sf a Coe ws FOAsAH Vaxeiiy Y baghatelt Coache fy ‘| December 30, 1937s Very Sincerely yours, Varsity Basketball Coach, _ You know, those suall collegos make it tough FCAsH Be. tpt gn rv an A dunce «tom a an (EA : Dre Marvin Nall, oo a Cleveland, Chics Dear Deotor Marvins Dean Nesmith called me and told me that he had a letter fice thin ietding tek yoo wane 40 in ths Sane You know, this is a shoak to mo, Doster, as I never had an inkling of your Alinesss Some time efter Christmas I sent you ny | book, “Better Basketball", which I had hoped to send you for a Christmas presente I was not in town when the athletic board met, so I did mot see you, but just presumed you had received the book which had been sent to you in Topela. i did not expect an acknowledguent, knowing how busy yOu wares But this matter of having you out of Topeka end knowing that you are ill disturbs mes You lmow, there isn*t a darn thing a fellow can say when a man gets sick, except thet he is darn sorry end you hope he will get well scone I have always been very fond of you although I have never expressed myself along those lines only by showing you. that I had a high regard for yous ee that was the better waye Won" you write me a letter and ct me know how you are - getting along, aud if there is anything at all I can do to make your time pass more pleasantly while you are under inspection it will be a pleasure for mo to do it, if you will oniy so indicate, _ My kindest regards and sincerest wishes tc yous Director of Physical Edueation, FCA sAI Varsity Basketball Coachs - NN \ = February 9, 1958. Director of Physical Education, Varsity Baslostball Coaches February 125 1938. Dre Marvin Hall, : Cleveland Clinie Hospital, 2045 East 90th Ste, Cleveland, Ohice Dear Dre Halls I was pleased indeed to receive your good letter of the 10th and so happy to Imow that you ere very much better and that there is a good prospect of your caning hanes Uree Hulteen, CLEVELAND CLINIC HOSPITAL CLEVELAND CLINIC HOSPITAL CLEVELAND, OHIO Novedber 22, 19376 oe Last night I received your special delivery ‘cael (eek Uk Ande eccmacte aks < hone soe shee tie Gena with the two tickets enclosed for which you wish to trade six. | oe I em sure that Mire Falkenstien will be happy to take care of Barrett's ticket complimentary, as he is a X mate He perhaps will want to take care of Bell, the officiel, Of course, the tax must be paid on these, but otherwise they will be with the ‘sgompliments of the Athletic Association. lowever, Mr. Palkenstien November 6, 1 937. lie, J, Haypnden, Superintendent Keahlotus Pablis Sshools, Kahlotus, Washington. Dear Willard: ee It was fine to have your letter of | I have written a new book on basket- ball, entitled “Better Basketball, Incorporating Technique, Tactics and Tales", which is being pub- lished by MeGraw-Hill and Company, of New Yort-, The book will be off the press about the first of ears I am enclosing a short deseription ‘of the e The book will be sold by Lowe & Camp- bell Athletics Goods Company, and other sporting goods houses, so you should have no diffieulty in Securing & copy as soon as it is put on sale, thank you for your kind words in regard te our basketball teams, — : - With best wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, PCA:AH _ Director of Physical Education. _ OREN G. HERRON FREEMAN HUNT, CHAIRMAN KAHLOTUS PUBLIC SCHOOLS WILLARD HARNDEN, SupPERINTENDENT KAHLOTUS, WASHINGTON November 3, 1937 Mr. Forest C. Allen Kansas University Lawerence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: . % I understand that you have published a new book on basketball. If so, I should like to have that new book. If you are able to sell me the book direct or give me the neme of your publishing company please do so. Send the book either C. 0. D. or on open account as you prefer. It has been a long time since I have seen you and I am ea long ways off, but I am sure you will remember me. I watch your basketball standing and games in the paper every winter and though I am a long ways off I am much interested in how you are getting along. Please accept my compliments on the good teams you have had since I last visited you. Sincerely Litman W. Harnden WH: DIC Fovember 23, WET « througae Today it caue back to us with the stetenemt ‘signature mot authorized's" ne tate t aéx tale 00 ta et once, Director_of Physical Educetione Uovenber 23, 1937e very KANSAS STATE COLLEGE , OF AGRICULTURE AND APPLIED SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS MANHATTAN, KANSAS November 22, 1937 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Evidently there has been some mistake along the line regard- ing the check in amount of $4.65 which you mailed to us on Octe- ber 22. As you will recall, this check made out to you and bear- ing your indorsement called for two tickets for the Nebraska gane for your good friend, J. BE. "Ira" Henry, Manager of the Coates House in Kansas City. The tickets were sent to Mr. Henry and the check was sent through. Today it came back to us with the statement “signature not authorized". — If you will kindly investigate this matter for us, we will appreciate your courtesy. Kind personal regards, and I am Sincerely yours, bs s Assistant to the Director FLM:LR October 22, 1937. ir, J, &, Henry, Coates House, Kansas City, Mo. Deer Ira: Z aeknowledge receipt of your ehecks for $4.55 and $4,65 resestiinly. I have turned over the check for $4.55 to Mr, Falkenstien, and this morning I am writing a letter to Mr, M, F, "Mike" Ahearn, asking that the two tickets, the — best. he has, be sent to you at the Coates House, Tf these two seats Go not come through in due time, please let me hear from you. I hope you enjoy the games, Very sincerely yours, FCASAB Director of Physical Education, Broadway at 2 €eath Street Coates Hotel Company Prices Reasonable A*“*HOME SWEET HOME” HOTEL ie Kansas Crry, Mo. /£7 fp) i, 3 ) KANSAS STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND APPLIED SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF a a eee PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS eo es MANHATTAN, KANSAS Oetober 25, lage : Forrest Allen Director of Physical flaucation Leia ee University of Kensas es ee Lawrence, Kansas Bee ee Dear Dr. :Allen: = a. chest cold for the past several days. We find that oe pe - considerably better today. I am taking the liberty of fa ing you in reply to your inquiry of Bétater 22, rege. ee tickets for our game: on November 27, with Nebraska vee coming Retocaar I shall be glad to mail two tickets friend, lr. Henry. We thank you for your courtesy in this matter, and that Mike will be able to write to you in a few Seyes ing the trip to Lawrence, November 13. = Very truly yours, Frank L. Myers Assistant to the Direste: FLY :LR October 26, 1937. lip, J, E,. Henry Coates House, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Ira: ne I have this morning reeeived word from the Athletic Office at Kansas State College regarding tickets for the Kansas State-Nebraska football game on November 27. Kansas State will receive the Nebraska tickets immediately after next Saturdey’s game, and they will then mail _ your two tickets direct to you. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physieal Sducation. Mrs Jo Eu Hontyy Mgrs Coates House, Zansas City, Yiseourt Dear Wr, Henrys At the request of Doctor Forrest C, Allen, who has sent us your per-~ sonal check for $4.65, I am enclosing here with two (2) tickets for our Nebraske~State football game to be played at Manhattan on Saturday, November 27, These tickets are for Best Stadium seate, Section J, Row 13, Seats 5 and 6 + about the 45 yard line, north of center. I trust you will ftad them sattsfactory. : We appreciate your patronage and the kindnees of Doctor Allen. . | Very truly yours, ZA ore Ti =O Frank Le Myers, Asst. to the Director ce « Dr. Forrest C. Allen Ms ‘ eo " : a 34 2 . as g on 4 i z 5 he hg a ioeas y ; 3 * et ee ge oe eg ee ws, a meet ie att : she 3 aes ca es lige 33 So Aa : Pe a ge Se Soon A a ae EE RS Ps F % a4 ae 5 4 ei : fr * 5 ee * ee el ai aa ete He 6p oe ie +% ‘ pod od ,#oLlaA .d tee7%0% i dosdo Lenos ees eee ole ot amng oo sodasaoG stove soekuee repr] web tab te0de ® bas & AS (etotaso bao eyes os i . emolLi to dh \p ssenbatd gait ee twoy plats yet welt .9 teett]6% «40 = 90 a November - 17, 1937 e Me. Se Go Hanilton, Neodeshny, Kansase ) Dear Ham: a 2 sa sean, on be thes tovk neath yee check and letter. I assure you that Mre Falkenstien will give your request bis very personal attentions Scio may be nesured that you will get the test in the stadium at this times Brutus is @ great fellow. I en Lond of hime In ay Opinion, they a5’ not mbes better coaches nor finer gentlemene aoe I trust to see you when you come to Lawrences Hadeut 3) Wend bt 6 PRene Se ene. he Ole Ge eS played at Warrensburg back in 19i4— ies ibaa casual Wee, Sine Sincerely yours, FCASAH ss Direstor of Physical Bducations fi |