of < - ie, Gwinn Director of Athletics University of New Mexico Albuquerque, N. Hex. Dear Gwinn: end high pressured already to 1 the Lawrence Country Clube expest to ins Seven, = welenc oa Valk lever & of srs tn, tan oR ty come to town with a big title and lots of money invariably set upon him to sell him something and get some of his money. Last year be Direstor of Athletics es Ges ea a ee ae others in Lawrence, was prevailed upon to take @ second membership in the oe ne ener ee oe they could install an | course instead of a nine hole course. I fel for the a Like ell other individuals in thet class. I have a second membership for sale and would make you a good price should you be in the market. Ge, should yeu wit Gatp fer Gus noe abd bt @ ladus Babe aneiae ie 2. ee : is vont 22 giter words T have scmotiitng to sell and I hope, you, vil. been early, so the bird can fet : Wort. : see that you were suecess-_ Pul in et @ nice home an glad to seo. | , that if you waited until July ist one choice Seonttone! would have been iiintusted. / = With every good wish, I an Sincerely yours,