July 8, 1956. + daisies tb Cheek is Wie ae thee eine ene Site of Jue 2nd in which you enclese the booklet, "Pascehall". i think you have done a wonderful job, and this booklet is a definite contribution to the great maticnal outdoor Siena wt Miaeciidh senaashanig FOAsAH Varsity Basketball coach. BU Form G-10 75M 1-37 CHICAGO PARK DISTRICT RNHAM PARK. ADMINISTRATION BLDG. CHICAGO June Zs 1938 Mr. F. Cs. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Dear Mr. Allen:- I am sending under separate cover a copy of the Baseball Book, which has just come off the press, and is another contribution in our Sports Analysis Group. I would appreciate getting your reaction as to the general contents and layout of the booklet. at represents a terrific amount of work, but the manner in which these little booklets are received seems to make up . for the labor involved in producing them. We are selling the baseball book at 35¢ per copy, the same as the Diving Book. However, the copy I am sending you is a complimentary CODY. Very sincerely, DLR phe l V. F. Hernlund, General Supervisor, 3 Physical Activities. , Deny Reutuse | Tt was good to soe you and havo @ visit with yous I axa nighty happy that you etoppede _ Glem Cuminghem has just left the office after a very ee a ee ee ee ee Director of Education, FCAsAH : Varsity 3 12 Coachs : ew dilly Wy 1986, is 3 bial: : ; | Mat ot E ett | ‘Sh ; ie f B : ae Hee = ce ia it oe ae ee ie li ‘Hil i a Very duly 14, 193%. Mee domes Me Haughey, Titles Department, Room 926, Hgable Oil & Refining Coo, Houston, Texase _ Dear Jim: 7 Thank you 1 for your good Letter of the 126h inotent. Your letter er ives, me the very necessary informtion that I desired.e At the begiuning of the school yeer wo will — - geb. together ell the sub-committees representing the other See : ‘Trusting tint you my bave « pleasant sumer, i amt Sinesrely yours,. ( Déireoter of Physfoal Education, POASAT Varsity Basketball Coach. T. Fo. GREEN, HuMBLE OIL & REFINING GOMPANY | Hous Ton, Texas July 11, 1938 LAND COMMISSIONER Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: I have received your letter of July 8 concerning the Special Group Meetings Committee of the University Christian Mission; you suggest that we had placed on various committees those persons whose names I gave your secretary just before the close of school last spring. As I recall our plans, we selected D. J. Willcuts, Bob Allen, Tom Palmerlee, Mary Markham, Dick McCann, and Jim Raport to constitute the Special Group Meetings Committee; these people were chosen to represent various groups, of course, and I think we had tentatively planned for each to head a sub-committee to arrange for a meeting with his group. The groups for which the committee members were chosen are as follows: D. dg. Willcuts, Women's Physical Education; Bob Allen, Men's Physical Education and other athletes; Tom Palmerlee, Engineering and Graduate Schools; Mary Markham, Fine Arts School; Dick McCann, Summerfield group and Journalism School; Jim Raport, Men's Physical Education. We have not contacted several other persons whom we had considered for sub-committees representing other groups such as the Law and Business schools, and the English and political science departments, and I suppose we shall have to wait until fall to do that. I hope this answers your questions satisfactorily. If I ean be of any help to you during the summer, don't hesitate to let me know. Sincerely yours, James M. Haughey, Titles Department, Room 920. ie Robert Uunt, Gheley Colorado Camps, Letes,terk, Colorado. erie 3 I am very glad to have your note fron Seles Perk and to Inow chet you are playing and werktag herds | We have been busy heve all summers Bob is going to summer school, digging in on his chemistry so. or Do-ged rt cas e icacis ooo vari eta uum startse our plans, end so fortie Xt wes & pleasure to hear from you, Dolby, eud I hope you sontinue to enjoy your sumer. With best wishes, Tan Very sincerely yours, Direoter ef Physten) Education, Varsity Basketball Cooohe umute [Brbhy Tote oe. J 29 apt a Sag ee OOO : A . | \ \ ? CHELEY COLORADO CAMPS 97 7 pa yuew Lalh an Estes Park, Colo. a Buh toll t head uri) Loe duly 2 1988s ant igre to Dear Laney: 1 tame fut tama eave of the dotatl thes yon ee nl I @n very sure that you ie : saciid cet haialiack ‘dalabiinon, FOAgAL Wareity Reetothe?? Concle Jue 29, 19386 Director of Physical Bévostion, dume 29, 1 9585 Director of Physical Eduention, July 19, 1938. Ure Roy Hegemm, Lawrence, Kansage Dear Mre Hegemans I was gratified at the possibility of finding a spere time in which the towmship equiment might be available for vg us in our grading work on the University intramural I will get in touch with you at your convenience some time this week and go over the possibilities with yous With appreciation, I am Very sincerely yours, ; : ntrestor of Pysiet! nateation FCA sAH Varsity Basketball Coache for gradinge He is in charge of the township of equipment, and Mre Babb thinks he has much more equipment than the city hase aI\/, LE ah August 10, 1958. ff Trout the Fines, wher a tie Deas Genes ft em copy of the letter I have written "Bill" Greime S tae OE Ais Gc Gas die, oer oe Sincerely vyours, : 1 ‘L. TOFT - MANAGING DirEcTorR 530 MILES WEST OF DENVER Ever ZS - Mlorado os AG ae Bi Hy a 8 aa ae HE: ral Stake) i ut HE ! am : 1 i Ha i ul Had 1a oy July 29, 1958. wiki aid Ge Sete sien Schnee Gi! She Sth tem, oni ee ee ee Williom "S411" Grimes, head of physical sducation at the Denver public schools, played center for me in basketball and center on my football team at Central Missouri State Teachers College along in 1912, "1S and *l4. He later went to Spring~ field, Masse, and took his degree there. ce eee ee ee oe the present time, while Bobby, cur youngster who was a fresh~ man last, yeer, is setting his chexistry out of the way this sumer in quest of his presmedic works He is a fine student . — CC Cee ol student. With every good wish, I an | Director of Physical Education, FRED S. SIDLES ‘ PRESIDENT i Hilt ey pe id pibi => i i jis, Sas iii Sa HARRY, B. SIDLES - Vice PresipeNt pial i = Ee erat $ - CT R'L. TOFT - MANAGING Director ‘aij j ib): His 30 MILES WEST OF DENVER Ever peeh - Odlorado 2 &, LF2tEe —_ pol back, 0 hayriad — ar ee pf. he Fg ET duly 29, 1988» I am glad that you are in such a fine enviroment. Both the boys and you will profit from this associations 2 And too, I am happy with your increase in heights will be good and tough, Bill, and I am courting on you f _ this next winter. I want you and Bill McKinley to male the grades I like good, fine, clean fellows with plenty of leader- ship on my squad. When the going gets tough I like te have intelligent fellows to sec the wy out. CAMP SOSAWAGAMING BIG BAY, MICH. —— gia dvoppin Now a ne, Crow a sailing boat oN \walag Sug arior . ac awn, Spend) ne Rr. SUwrwm ae a> G& Gouwns lay ) Falevingy cary ee a \e 08 litle oo ee satling Shing dna ise. vd oe Mae Deen doin, A hood job of CAMINE oe an Celt Rounds and haog ium aleaitt hale an nd) wee Tt. \eghs choo) CAMP SOSAWAGAMING BIG BAY, MICH. A wom. te, ack “a Shei ppedl and a euk oe N\so 5 6 NANG ‘een Ley mg Le fea Me Ae gs Ve A vbaskathall, @ SN Nave Duen ha tH we aA Ladle Se CeAd> akeuk - The Swe (| trig ne ce aking ducing Ky Mii ien xe holidays. eS eer hope ~ mg hk de \uckcsy Cmuah \y bo along CRE Rrachew oe CAMP SOSAWAGAMING BIG BAY : Lack ae She tom perahure ®ol en Aes aroun a or and we all Wad to heoe Cree Asha ea SS Vie 1: weather Was ee | ies | ps — fous hq Yoatle a Pa Mave Le log ee evel y ras flo “Pluase but eek Welle Soe we, July 25, 1988. 127 Ne Dohouy Ste, Beverly Iilis, Calit. Dear Dre Mervins | _ 2 have elumys felt guilty ever since the time that I stayed too long at your house, when I feared we made you 7 I gee Ole cocasiomally and have had sane fine visits e le very much appreciates your wire ani holpfulness to him, endeavoring to get lined up for next year. You vever miss @ thing, do you, when it comes to helping your friends? = } i am sincerely hoping that all of theee kinéneases and the meny good deeds that you have dome for others will be returned to you in your quest for better hoalths — I om going to send you a copy of the letter that I an aaa ee te sporting Grand. This is just a note of “helio” sas Seal hibat Later I will write you a longer letter. Here's hoping you and your | a Fratermally yours, Fobedl oe Varsity Basketball Coaches re dt in ait i) ih Memphis, Tenne Duly 25, 1938. College and Specialist Bureau,