BU Form G-10 75M 1-37 CHICAGO PARK DISTRICT RNHAM PARK. ADMINISTRATION BLDG. CHICAGO June Zs 1938 Mr. F. Cs. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Dear Mr. Allen:- I am sending under separate cover a copy of the Baseball Book, which has just come off the press, and is another contribution in our Sports Analysis Group. I would appreciate getting your reaction as to the general contents and layout of the booklet. at represents a terrific amount of work, but the manner in which these little booklets are received seems to make up . for the labor involved in producing them. We are selling the baseball book at 35ยข per copy, the same as the Diving Book. However, the copy I am sending you is a complimentary CODY. Very sincerely, DLR phe l V. F. Hernlund, General Supervisor, 3 Physical Activities.