January 7, 1946 Mir. John Re Baldwin 691 The Alameda Berkeley 7, California Dear Johns ‘The last address I had from Corporal Charles Loar was as follows: Corporal Charles P, Loar, UeSMeCoR Pield Artillery Section Headquarters F.M.Fe Pacific ’ c/o Fleet Post Office San Francisco, California It had "hold" on the notation, Charles Loar formerly lived at Independence, Missouri, which is just out of Kansas City. He told me that he was coming in and tell me all about the last moments with T.P., as he was with T.P,. when it happened, but he never got around to it. However, he did have one of the boys come in and tell me about it. His father was principal of the Topeka High School before he passed away. i think he died while the son was in services : Richard Van Slyck came in to see meg doubltless you have had that information. I am glad that Bill Atwell is come . ing back. He has a fine personality and I am sure will do a fine jobs Bob Ellsworth is a dandy boy and I think it is swell you are doing such a fine job in entertaining him. With every good wish to you for the New Year, I am 5 ¢ a ‘ Sincerely, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach.