July 25, 1988. 127 Ne Dohouy Ste, Beverly Iilis, Calit. Dear Dre Mervins | _ 2 have elumys felt guilty ever since the time that I stayed too long at your house, when I feared we made you 7 I gee Ole cocasiomally and have had sane fine visits e le very much appreciates your wire ani holpfulness to him, endeavoring to get lined up for next year. You vever miss @ thing, do you, when it comes to helping your friends? = } i am sincerely hoping that all of theee kinéneases and the meny good deeds that you have dome for others will be returned to you in your quest for better hoalths — I om going to send you a copy of the letter that I an aaa ee te sporting Grand. This is just a note of “helio” sas Seal hibat Later I will write you a longer letter. Here's hoping you and your | a Fratermally yours, Fobedl oe Varsity Basketball Coaches