1902 East Third Street Bloomington, Indiana March 8, 1938 Dr. Forest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I have recently completed a survey of the medical supervision of candidates for High School Athletic teams as required by the organizations controlling athletics in the respective states. Most of the states do nothing about it. Others have, for the most part, and entirely inadequate and superficial medical inspection. I am attempting, with the aid of a group of phy- sicians who are familiar with the problems of Athletics, to formulate a suitable blank for the medical examination of High School Athletes. On the enclosed sheets I have ligtéd the most common elements in the medical examination of Public School Boys, together with a scale for rating then. As I have stated, I am circularizing a small group of ohysicians who are qualified by their experience and in- terest in athletics to express an opinion and for this reason if would appreciate your cooperation in completing and return- ing the blank to me at your earliest convenience. Respectfully yours, a. hee