| April 11, 1988. lite Rutherford Be Hayes, Topeka State Jourmal, | Topela, Kansace : Yords exe entirely inadequate at euch a tine. to express to you cw deep sorrow in the passing of your fine brother, Varrene Horace Mason and the boye of the athletic department were shocked and grieved to learn of the loss of —— Only these who have treveled the Golgotin Road ee © lossese ee ee ae : chor yiayod on ee: Easomane Wag Sohosk Sueeiett aes whe played on the Lewrense football snd besietbel Seuss and eummeted as Mn Mee oa All of us thought he had great praise in beth an athletic and an academic ways Some ‘times our philosophy is not equal to the occasion, especially when we are so close to ite Only time, emd time only is a great healers There is nothing that I can Ta UU a a Director of Physical Education, FCAsAR ‘Varsity Bastetbell Coaches