April 18, 1938 is Strong Mirman, on Director of Physical Education, Wichita Public Schools, me ly dear Strong: u | I am leaving with my family for St. Petersburg, Florida, end then I expect te attend the Amorican Association of Health ani Physical Sdueation at Atlanta, I missed you at the “imneapolis meeting, but hope to see you dom southe cen aaiea tS sone epi Oe tiie Mbvibit Hetionay cone benquet, and on the 28th I am to speak eat Saline, and at Newton on the 29th, This allows me the 27th for meditation and inspection, and I thought if possible I would like to | stop by Wichita and visit your physical education program on that daye I am wondering if you will be in Wichita at that We have had some meetings here with our department of eens aan ie eee ee on Physical Education at the University of Kansas. vou heme albany Sueno a Manas Gun “ee cee wee aahtnn you to speak at the University on Monday, June 275 I trust oa ee Tath every good wish, t= » Very sincerely yours, . Director of Physical Edveation, FAA Varsity Basketball Coachs