- November 21, 1928, Major John Le Griffith Commissioner of Athleties, 6 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Dear Major Griffith: Although we have decided on Schommer to work our Notre Dame games, we have not yet received his acceptance of the assignment. As soon as we hear from him, we will notify you. With best wishes, I am Very cordially yours, Director. INTERCOLLEGIATE CONFERENCE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF ATHLETICS 6 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE CENTRAL 2824 CHICAGO November 19, 1928 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Athletics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog; This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of November 15th in which you advise me that Schommer has been selected to work your Notre Dame games December 28th and 29th. I will make note of this and see that Schommer is not assigned to any other: games on those dates. With kind regards, I am Yours cordially, ts rs £, j JLG: BI GC John L. Griffith. Fk 4 git ars : fae eee ie INTERCOLLEGIATE CONFERENCE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF ATHLETICS 6 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE CENTRAL 2824 CHICAGO November 7, 1928 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Athletics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I have been making some inquiry regarding the college fencing rules per your letter of October 3lst. Mr. Merrill, in charge of the fencing at the University of Chicago,advises me that the Western Conference has been using the old rules of the Western Intercollegiate Gymnastic, Wrestling and Fencing Association, which association had charge of all gymnastics, wrestling and fencing meets in this section prior to the time that the Conference took over these meets and made them closed meets for Conference institutions only. Mr. Merrill tells me that there has been some discussion about changing to the rules of the Amateur Fencers League of America, which rules I understand are used by the colleges in the east. I am writing for some copies of these rules and will be glad to forward you a copy when I receive them if you wish. Further, I am enclosing a copy of the old rules of the Western Intercollegiate Gymnastic, Wrestling and Fencing Association. Yours very truly, Sela S a Secre to John L. Griffith. December 26, 1928. Major John lL. Griffith Commissioner of Athleties, 6 North Michigan Aves, 3 Chicago, Ill. Dear Major Griffith: Thenk you kindly for your letter of December 21. I appreciate the fine spirit of cooperation of Mr. St. John and youre celts If I am not nominated from this district I assure you thet I appreciate the courtesies and friendship of both of you mene With kindest regards and best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director. Decomber 21, 1928. Major John Le Griffith, Commissioner of Athleties, 6 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Dear Major Griffith: We are to play Tllinois this year in footballs» When we played Wisconsin, we did not understand the arrangement ae the selection of officials by the commissioner of athletics of the Big Ten, We do now, 80 we want to know what date the selection is made. Do we submit the list of offi-+ elals that we desire or do you pick them from the available list thet you now have on hand. . We would like to have Jim Masker, or some of those splendid officials work for uss I am just merely writing you for information. ) _ I know of the ruling that no official can work in the Big Ten unless he has had a previous game im a non eonference game in the Big Tens We of course receive many letters from officials who want to work and in this way it will relieve us of the burden. However we would like to know the funcarental way of doing the thing so that we may cooperate with you in the fullest. Very cordially yours, Directors FCA :MEB Januery 2, 1920, Major John L. Griffith, Commissioner of Athleties, | 6 North Michigan Aves, Chicago, Tll. Dear Major Griffith: This will aeclmowledge receipt of your letter of December 26, TI am having the information and pictures which you requested sent to you under separate covers With kindest regards, I am Very cordially yours, Director, . Maj. John I. Griffith, Commissioner of Athletics, 9 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, I1l. Dear Maj. Griffith: Please pardon my delay in answering your letter of December 27th. I have received a letter from Robert Zuppke in which he sdvises me that they usually have you select officials for their games. This is agreeable with us and we shall be glad to have you do it. I have consulted Coach Hargiss regarding the matter and he would prefer to have some of the following Conference officials used: Jack Grover, A.A. Schabinger, Lesiie Bdmonds, C.E. MeBride. Of course, it would be satisfactory with us to use some of the Big 10 officials also. We should be giad to have officials from both Conferences in the game. Most of the above named offi- cials, however, are referees. We should be glad to be advised of the men who are selected for this same. Thanking you, I am Very cordially yours, Director. January 2, 1929. Major John L. Griffith, Commissioner of \thlet ies, 6 North Wichigan Aves, Chicago, Til. Dear Major Griffith: This will acknowledge recéipt of your letter of Decerber 27, Dr, Allien is now in California with the basketball teem ené will not return un- til Jarmery 8 at which time your letter will be brought to his attention. Vory cordially yours, He. H. Gurtier, oi yA fect se rt INTERCOLLEGIATE CONFERENCE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF ATHLETICS 6 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE CENTRAL 2824 CHICAGO December 2/7, 1928 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Athletics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I never pick the officials for non-conference games unless requested to do so by both coaches. I would sug- gest that you and Zup pick whoever you want for your game with Illinois. If I can help you by saving any of our men let me know. Yours very sincerely, A Ab office JLG: HJ John L. Griffith. * yy Mrs. Alice K. Griffith, The Athletic Journal, 6858 Glenwood Ave., Chicago, Til. Dear Mrs. Griffith: Through an oversight our check was not enclosed in our letter of Febru- ery 2nd. Thank you for calling this to our attention. It is being enclosed herewith. I trust that this error has not greatly inconvenienced you. We will want the two-thirds page space in the Mareh and April issues of the Athletic Journal again this year. I am having copy sent to you and you should receive it in a few days. Very cordially yours, Director. JOHN L. GRIFFITH, EDIToR TELEPHONE ROGERS PARK 5074 ag f 4 4 THE ATHLETIC JOURNAL 6858 GLENWOOD AVENUE CHICAGO, ILL. February 5, 1929. Mr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Dear Mr. Allen: This letter will acknowledge receipt of your letter of February 2nd. May we call your attention to the omission of your check. If this was enclosed please stop payment on it at once. Will you advise us at once if you want the two-thirds space in March as used last year for your Relays and summer school at Lawrence? Yours very truly, (rim) Mee Caflid AKG: MP Alice K. Griffith. JOHN L. GRIFFITH, EDiIToR TELEPHONE ROGERS PARK 5074 ¢ Hedy. Y THE ATHLETIC JOURNAL iL 6858 GLENWOOD AVENUE x Ji fie ‘ /p ae CHICAGO, ILL. Jamary 30th, 1929 . Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Athletics, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. le: Relay Advertising. Dear Dr. Allen:- Last year you used two two-thirds pages in the March and April issues. You will want this amount at least, again this year, will you not? I like the style of your ad copy and hope you can send us as attractive copy again this year. You have good action pictures and not too much reading, two requisites of good advertising. Let me know at an early date if you want this space reserved. Alice K. Mee Yours very At AKG: VW February 18 ae 8.7? Mrs. Alice K. Griffith, "Athletic Journal" 6858 Glenwood, Chicago, Til. Dear Mrs. Griffith: Enclosed is the scopy for two-thirds page add in March issue of the Athletie Journal. Copy for the April issue will come along-later. Please have the eut for the Yareh add made from the enclosed photograph. W411 you please mail to us as soon as possible a glossy print of Major Griffithts latest photograph for use in the Kansas Relays Program, as he is to be referee of that event this year, We would appreciate prompt atten- tion to this photographic request as we are getting out some literature within a week in which we desire to use his pieture. Very cordially yours, Director. JOHN L. GRIFFITH, EDITOR TELEPHONE ROGERS PARK 5074 + » ~ THE ATHLETIC JOURNAL Vee 6858 GLENWOOD AVENUE fp . CHICAGO, ILL. ait WY Wi | February 15, 1929. OV! Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Dear Dr. Allen: Upon receipt of your check we entered up your subscription and found one haé been received December 24, 1928., for the Athletic Dept. at Lawrence. Is there to be one addressed to you personally and one to the department? Please reply on the enclosed card. Yours very truly, Malanie Preiss, MP Subscription Dept. John L. Griffith, Commissioner of Athletics, 9 North Michigan St., Chicago, Til. Dear Maj. Griffith: This will acknowledge receipt of your favor of the lst inst, offering to publish the proceedings of the Basket Ball Coaches Association. It is very mice of you to do this and I assure you that every member of the associa-~ tion will appresiate it. I certainly do not know of any of the men who would object to it. I am writing Coach Sehabbinger al- though I imagine that you have written him as well, but IT am sending a carbon copy of your letter to Schabbinger with the suggestion that we eecept your kind invitation. . Very cordially yours, Director. De INTERCOLLEGIATE CONFERENCE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF ATHLETICS 6 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE CENTRAL 2824 CHICAGO March 1, 1929 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Athletics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: The Football Coaches! Association asked me to publish the proceedings of their last meeting in the Athletic Journal, which we did as you possibly have noticed in the February number and the reprint, copies of which we sent you. We printed our eight thousand copies of the Journal and sent a copy to all of the members of the Football Coaches! Association as well as to our subscribers and further run off the reprints sending a number to each of the officers of the Football Coaches! Association and one to the members of the association as well. The Football Coaches were glad to have us do this because it saved them the work of getting out the proceedings and saved the money which they other- wisc would have had to spend. At the same time we were glad to do this because it not only helped the Journal but it, I am sure, was a good thing for the high school and college coaches who are not members of the association to receive the vroceedings. We have about decided to send a copy of the proceedinzs to all of the college presidents. I think it would be a good thing because if the presidents will read the reports they will see that the foot- pall coaches are doing some clear thinking regarding the develop- ment in their own game and that they are a safe and conservative crowd. The puroose of this long letter is to suggest that should the Basketball Coaches! Association care to have us print the proceed- ings of your coming annual meeting that we would be glad to do it. If any of the men, however, objected I would not want to see the matter pushed. This then is just an offer to help if you think it would be any help to the Basketball Coaches! Association. Yours very sincerely, : <.tffal t JLG: BI John L. crit XA. Mareh 9th Ze 6 Wr. Ae A. Schabinger, Creighton University, Omaha, Neb. Dear Mr. Sehabinger: I am enclosing herewith a copy of a letter I have just received from gohn Le Griffith. He has offered to do for the Basket Ball Coaches Association the same as he did for the Football Coaches Associa-~ tion. I think it would be e very fine thing. With best regards, I am veryc ordially yours, Director. FCA:IH Ene. l. Mareh 9th 19 29 Mra. Alice K. Griffith, The Athletic Journal, 6858 Glenwood, Chicago, Ili. Dear Mre. Griffith: Enelosed is the copy for the two-thirds page add which we wish to have run in the April issue of the Athletic Journal. Very lei oie. Director. FCA:IH Ene. 1. JOHN L. GRIFFITH, EDIToR TELEPHONE ROGERS PARK 5074 THE ATHLETIC JOURNAL 6858 GLENWOOD AVENUE CHICAGO, ILL. March 12, 1929. Mr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Dear Mr. Allen: Enclosed please find check for $1.50 refund on the second subscription which you asked under date of February 19th to have returned to you. Yours very truly, M. Preiss, MP Subscription Dept. Mareh 23 19 29 Athletic Journal, 6858 Glenwood Ave., Chicago, fll. Gentlemen: I am enclosing herewith copy i of the April add for the Athletie Journal which T have 0.K.'d. Very cordially yours, Director, Major John Le. Griffith The Athletic Journal 6858 Glemrood Avenue Chieago, Iliinois Dear Major Griffith: In reply to your letter “eo we shall glad to have you ie st the information as contained letter in the June issue of THE ATH ATHLETIC JOURNAL«s Please make out your statement for this cha to the Director of Summer Sessions, Univer- sity of Kansas, and mail it "to Mre He Ee Chandler, room 107 Fraser Hall, Very cordially yours Director JOHN L. GRIFFITH, EDITOR TELEPHONE ROGERS PARK 5074 THE ATHLETIC JOURNAL 6858 GLENWOOD AVENUE CHICAGO, ILL. May 20th, 1929 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, eee University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Dear Dr. Allen: We have had so many inquiries regarding summer schools that we have had to send tear sheets of the Journal of the various schools. We have therefore decided on a final listing in the fom of a Directory in the center of the June Joumal. The cost of this listing is but $10.00 and the information that we have regarding your summer school is as follows: : University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. June 11 to July 20, 1929. Foot Ball-Howard Jones, University of Southern Califormia. Coaches-Hargis, Waldorf and Bunn. wren June 24th to July 6th. i LA Basket Ball-July 8th to July 20th-Dr. i. i Forrest C. Allen. chan f \y Track-June 12th to June 22.-Coach Huff, -€- | Director-Dr. Forrest C. Allen. Aji Tuition-Matriculation fee $10.00. Registra- MN de tion fee $25.00, “oh Please make any corrections necessary if you want L to be represented and send us your order forthis by return mail, Yours very oe ohn L. vd GY, JLG: W Maj. John L. Griffith, 6 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, I1l. Dear Maj. Griffith: In compliance with your request I am having sent to you several copies of the Kansas Relays program, so that you will have copies for your files. Very cordially yours, Director. - INTERCOLLEGIATE CONFERENCE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF ATHLETICS 6 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE CENTRAL 2824 CHICAGO May 1, 1929 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Athletics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Thank you for your kind letter of April 26th. I would appreciate it if you would forward to me another copy of the program of the Relays since the copy which I had was soaked. \ With kind regards, I am Yours very sincerely, qn v Z. ff e JLG: BJ John L. Gr th. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE October 19, 1927, DEPARTMENT OF JOURNALISM OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN br. F. GC. Alien, Robinson Gymnasium. Dear Doctor Allen:- The Kansan Press Club will be glad if you. can accept tickets to the dinner for High School guests, next Friday evening, at 6 o'clock, The Topeka Press Club will not be present. Sincerely yours, L.N.FLINT: JSS id Novenber 17, 1938. Pees Upon only two occasions in 20 years has it been a ee a a ee firmly call the ettention of the Kansas audience to Sin Gk ier ui See eed taeda lad Scag wo armen agreed upon by both institartionss I trust that the enclosed article will be satisfactory. ee ee ee I am Very sincersly yours, : 2 Director of Physical Education, PCAsAH Varsity Sasketball Coachs . JOHN L. GRIFFITH, EDITOR TELEPHONE ROGERS PARK 5074 THE ATHLETIC JOURNAL 6858 GLENWOOD AVENUE CHICAGD, ILL. November 10th, 1938. ae, rt, \ ey cry rap i Loe ey AY 4 \ ' \ a Mr. DeForrest C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kans, Dear Mr. Allen: Last year the comments by various basketball coaches on the new no-tip off rule made interesting reading. This year we believe that a discussion of the problem of improv- ing the sportsmanship at basketball games, as suggested by the Ethics Committee of the National Associafion of Basketball Coaches and printed in our September issue, would not only make interesting reading but would bring out helpful suggestions to make the great game of basketball entirely free from unsports- manlike conduct on the part of spectators. Do you have the problem in your institution? What are your suggestions for correcting it? We will appreciate your co-operation, As we would like to run the comments in the December issue at the start of the basketball season, we would like your remarks as early as possible. Yours very truly, Uv t he _ BOOING, A REAL MENACE Fielding He Yost, of the tiatversity of Michigan, ones said, “Before intercollegiate athletics can mean all they should mean, spectators, students, critics, and school authorities must accept the an of the office ials as final." : : So long as spectators object to the rulings of the officials they are - not qualified to wear the toga of true sportsmanship. ‘Alonse ds Stagg, Chicage’s gramf old man and doen of 011 scsches ani directors, once seid to his basketball audience when it lest its head, "Ladies and Gentlemen? Be ledies and gentlemen Yr | There is