JOHN L. GRIFFITH, EDiIToR TELEPHONE ROGERS PARK 5074 ¢ Hedy. Y THE ATHLETIC JOURNAL iL 6858 GLENWOOD AVENUE x Ji fie ‘ /p ae CHICAGO, ILL. Jamary 30th, 1929 . Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Athletics, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. le: Relay Advertising. Dear Dr. Allen:- Last year you used two two-thirds pages in the March and April issues. You will want this amount at least, again this year, will you not? I like the style of your ad copy and hope you can send us as attractive copy again this year. You have good action pictures and not too much reading, two requisites of good advertising. Let me know at an early date if you want this space reserved. Alice K. Mee Yours very At AKG: VW