\ \ September 25, 1945 Captain C. B. Black Jr. Coffeyville Army Air Field — Coffeyville, Kansas Dear Charlie: I was delighted to receive your letter on September 19 - and to know that your family is well and happy. I was interested in Sheryl and that she can do the altitudious stunt in going up her crib but when she starts down she goes into a tail spin. Well, that is exactly the situtation with little Jill and her crib but she has managed to work out by slow procedure a method of holding on with one hand and going down to a full squat but she has not figured out’ just how she is going to arrive firmly on the crib floor without cracking-up. It is a lot of fu isn't it, Charlie, to watch them learn in a perfect methodical and most interesting way. Jill is the life of the Allen household and I am perfectly convinced that Sheryl holds the same domicile. I have just checked with Dr. Leonard Axe, director of V-12 and Veteran's Bureau, and he states definitely that they are planning on opening up another school term November 1. They are not sure just what the offering will be at this. time but Br. Axe would appreciate it if vou could study your. transoript and see just about what you would be wanting. Naturally you can see that it will not be possible for the university to offer a full schedule of all classes as of November 1. They will do the best they can under difficult conditions. Then they will have another offering February 11 which will be the semester after the one which is now beginning, September 24. : : If you should happen to be in Lawrence on any week day I think it would be a fine thing to get your transcript and have a conference with Dr. Axe. ile is well informed and conversant with the veteran's program. T6o, Charlie, I think it will be a nice thing if you could write him asking other questions that are arising in your mind at present.