JOHN L. GRIFFITH, EDITOR TELEPHONE ROGERS PARK 5074 THE ATHLETIC JOURNAL 6858 GLENWOOD AVENUE CHICAGO, ILL. May 20th, 1929 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, eee University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Dear Dr. Allen: We have had so many inquiries regarding summer schools that we have had to send tear sheets of the Journal of the various schools. We have therefore decided on a final listing in the fom of a Directory in the center of the June Joumal. The cost of this listing is but $10.00 and the information that we have regarding your summer school is as follows: : University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. June 11 to July 20, 1929. Foot Ball-Howard Jones, University of Southern Califormia. Coaches-Hargis, Waldorf and Bunn. wren June 24th to July 6th. i LA Basket Ball-July 8th to July 20th-Dr. i. i Forrest C. Allen. chan f \y Track-June 12th to June 22.-Coach Huff, -€- | Director-Dr. Forrest C. Allen. Aji Tuition-Matriculation fee $10.00. Registra- MN de tion fee $25.00, “oh Please make any corrections necessary if you want L to be represented and send us your order forthis by return mail, Yours very oe ohn L. vd GY, JLG: W