ee ~< . at every decision of the officials which personally displeases him. in his young sons' minds, the officials are little better than hold~up mon, and the opposing team is just lucky and could not heve won without the par- tiality of the officials. And the home teams inwardly accepting the decis= ions of its booing end hissing followers, sets up a mental premise that the officials robbed them of the game. later, out in the larger and unprotected world, these pleyers will find that they ere trained "Alibi Ikes." Some five or six years age the following article appeared in the San . Franeisco Examiner. This incident occurred upon former President Herbert Hoover's visit to Sacramento, while he was still President of the United Statess The editorial was captioned, “Disrespect for the President." It read: “thet President Hoover wos booed and hissed es well as cheered when his train stopped at Sacramento last quesday is properly deplored.” continuing, the paper, noting that some of the offenders were school - ghildren, remarked: “There is something wrong with our schools or homes or beth when children are not tanght to respect the President of the United Sgatese His high office shoula als him immune from such contemptible man ifestations of lack of petriotisme "yor some time this booing and hissing has gone on in the motion pic- ture houses and apparently no attempt was made by the management to abate it. “one does not have to agree politically with the President to respect the position he holds, but there — be the proper respect for the presidency until and unless children are taught common courtesy and patri- otism in the schools and at homes “That such occurrences hanelen in Sacramento is to be regretted. It indicates that we ere decidedly lax in our patriotic instructions fhe schools should put on some intensive work to renedy this condition.” | In 1933, when the condition was even worse than now, at Kansas we left this problem of sportswanship ontirely in the hands ef the student ‘bodys suntor Coon, a former nenber of the Anericen Devis Cup tennis toam, vas