April 4, 1939. His He R, ; Giles, ; The Department of Physical Education at the University of Kansas will offer the following courses in the 1959 Sumer Session: 100¢ Principles of Camumity Recreation, 3 hrse 200¢ Theory & Practice of Athletic Training, 5 hrse 500 Special Problems, 2-4 hres 512. Seminar in Physical Education, 3 hrse The Department of Physical Education also sponsors e rather fulsane recreational program for all students enrolled in swmer school. I an enclosing a mimeographed sheet giving an outline of last swmer's activities. A similar program will be worked out for the 1939 Sumer Sessions If we can be of any further help to you please feel free to writes Sincerely yours, in ° Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coaches