Mereh Sl, 1938. Mr. George Me Parker, . Southwestern College, a Freee Dear Mra Partzers . sais Sak Sesh eel sien Seta ve tan €8 te this office for replys - ‘We ave offering this sumer a three-hour course in Physicel Sducation which gives Graduate eredit. The course is Tests and Measurements in Physieal "dueation, which will be taught by Dre Ve “%e Lappe There will also be undergradunte courses in Physical Education taught this sumere We are not yet able to offer a Mester's degree in Physical Edueation, but hope to be able toa do so scom. Our gradunte course this summer és the begiming of such a programs | If you heve any further questions I shall be glad to hear from you agains I trust you my be a Varsity Paskethbell Coaths