{ oe “ ' GRADUATE WORK IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION Master of Science in Education = with © major in Physical Eduse 30 hours required, 15 of which must be in Education Work may be divided into not more than 3 departments Student may have eee es 5 hrs. of "Cc" grade Must have 12 hours of 300 bourses; no courses below 100 Thesis: included in Education 15 hrs.s; may be 2 to 8 hours; may be divided into 2 semesters. n Special Problems in Pe Eo - 2=4 hrse ore (max. of 4 hrse?) — nN Uhrlaub, Ernst As: A STUDY OF THE AMOUNT OF ACTIVITY OF HIGH SCHOOL PLAYERS IN THE GAME OF BASKETBALL University of Kansas, 1940 SS ae : Noveriber 11, 1950. 4 Hy | if i $453 i i ty ta | a ail i ail ant i Hl ie I = He i = RANDOM OF CONPERSCE O8 PRERE UISTZ" PRAISING FOR 3 STUDENT? ‘TAKING THC MAST’ S DEGRER SIT A COMBINED ‘MaJOR I BOUCAZION aM PHYSICAL EDUCATION: te Prorecuinttas for atutaaton to geususts B. the prerequisites for all courses in phy education musbered "100% or *200" shall be the above stated prerequisites for a toe punaiiad See we = statttensh 5 betin of wach tn piystes ett pte at ee ore te rom of 2 Ste wequred 10 towe in rigaiont otution my te resineat Wy te : ee Cunaeeae ar in anetiaes od , IGA TL C socks other Sapa cristae it ie wiler~ — Novenber 11, 1989. University of Kansase Dear Dean Stouffer: | The Depertaert of Physical Education requests that you present to your Aduinistrative Camittes the suggested She reqiived 10 howe in piysten) edontion my ed ceeeieee cae to ede cs ee sae Directors of Physical nducation and Recreation, PCAs AT Varsity Basketball Conch, M's Ee Ry Etbel, 7 Deperttaent of Physical Eduonti one Deo Des Tbels I had @ conference with Dean Stouffer and Or « Dayles 3 howe 7 16 hours The 10 how's in physical education my be renlaced ty two years of in coaching or in conducting Tt ie understood that ten seasons of intercollegiate athletic competition my cout as one year of the worl in applied physical educa ti Ofte The prerequisites for ali courses in physical education mumbered 100 oy 200 ahall be above stated prerequisites for admission to graduate wor'lce 300 courses, the prerequisites — shall be an additional 5 hours work in physical education. Drs Bayles asked thet I Kimdly call to your attention the dusts hath ps heap eattatieley Ha want Gah ton Gotee te Mian, 1540, be emoted of the students before thay tale 1999. gait FOAsAH Varsity Basketball coache University of Kansas PROGRAMS OF GRADUATE STUDY IN EDUCATION I. Graduate Degrees in Education. The University offers work in Education and related fields leading to the Master's degree and to the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Education. The degrees of Doctor of Education and Doctor of Philosophy with a major in Education are awarded to outstanding students who have conpleted not less than three years of graduate study and have met the specific reauirements set by the Graduate School and Department of Education. They represent minimum training now acceptable for positions in depar t-- ments of Education in colleges, universities and teachers colleges, and are rapidly becoming a prerequisite to candidacy for positions of impor- tance in the larger school systems. The degree of Doctor of Education is a professional degree, entirely equal in quality to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy but implying a dif- ferent type of training. It is granted by many leacing graduate schools and is held in high esteem by professional educators. Instead of empna-*. sizing original research, requirements for the Doctor of Education cegree emphasize the application of existing knowledge and procedures to prac- tical school situations. The language reyrirement is optionai and may be replaced by requirements which may be more suitable to the line of study to be pursued. Threo years of practical experience are prerequi- site for this degree. For details regarding both doctoral degrees, candidates are invited to correspond with the Dean of the School of Education. The Masters' Degrees are four in umber: Master of Arts, Master of Science, Master of Science in Education, and Master of Education. Can- didates holding the degree of A. B. or B. Sc. are eligible to the degree respectively of A. M. and M. Se. Candidates who hold the degree of B. Sc. in Education are eligible to the professional degree of il. Sc. in Educa- tion. The degree of Master of Education is open to the holder of any acceptable baccalaureate degree who has met the prerequisites to graduate study in Fducation. A Master's degree is currently required of ell can- didates for administrative or other responsible positions either by law, local stipuletion or present practice. TI. General Fields of Graduate Study in Education. In order to prepare students for the specific types of professional service which the daily practice of Education demands, students are advised to organize their course selections about 4 core of major interest. For the purpose of facilitating this organization the following major fields are recognized, and each student will be expected to select one of these fields in conference with an adviser. i. School Administration. e. Direction and Supervision of Instruction. 3. Educational Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Counseling or Guidance. Psychology of Reading. Theory and Practice of Teaching. Theory and Practice of Teaching in Physical Education. . Curriculum Development. mmm © Mimeographed copies of suggested sequences will be found attached to this sheet and students are expected to select courses in conference with an adviser. TTI. The Prerequisites to Graduate Study in Education. 1. Candidates for graduate degrees mist have earned an acceptable baccalaureate degree, and must é. Present a transcript showing the completion of not less than 15 hours of undergraduate courses in Education. In general, students who have met the requirements for the three-year, "renewable-for-life" certificate of the Kansas State Board of Education have met the prepara- tion here defined. IV. Specific Requirements for a Master's Degree. 1. A master's degree in Education is granted upon the satisfactory completion of not less than one full academic year of graduate study or its equivelent. : 2, Save in the case of the degree of Master of Education, the record must include credit for an acceptable report, in thesis form, on an ap- proved research project done under the direction of e.feculty adviser selected by the stucent. 3.