2 0 8 OTE ES EES ON AOE GRADUATE STUDY IN SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION at the University of Kansas A school administrator usually hes command of a wide range of knowledge and skillfully renders efficient service under many varying conditions. He makes decisions and acts in a variety of situations when managing a school system. Among the more important fields in which he should have expert knowledge may be listed the following: 1. Curriculum and courses of study for the whole school system. 2. Methods of learning and teaching. 3, Organization of schools with particular reference to the classifica- tion and progress of children in the school system. 4, Personnel management including selection, assignment and training of teachers in service. 5. Financing of the educational program. 6. Business management of schools including the school plant. 7. Place and functions of the school in modern society. ‘8, Educational publicity and cooperation with other social agencies. Course Hours = . 2ihie- Core Courses A159-~-A273 5 The Administration of Swalier School Systems and City School Administration S292 3 An Introduction to the Study of the Curriculum A250-A350 3 Organization and Administration of Elementary Schools Ae74-A374 5 Comparative Education A375 5 Educational Finance A376 3 Tae Business Administration of City Schools A304 QO Seminar A399 2-8 Researca in Educational Administration tea (12 to 16 hours from this list of offerings) It should not be implied that the suggested courses are required of all students. It is’possible to substitute other offerings if a stucent's previous training and interest indicate that such adjustment wouid better meet his professional needs. A student should select from the graduate offerings in administretion, supervision, measurement, educational psychology, educational sociology, curriculum, and theory and practice of teaching, those additional courses that will give him the materials in the various fields with which he needs to be acquainted. In addition to the regular course work it will be advantageous for the student to do extensive and critical reeding of much professional litera- ture ® : 1. SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION Dr. Twente and Dr. Russeil