GRADUATE STUDY IN THE PSYCHOLOGY OF READING at the University of Kansas The following sequence of courses is recommended for students electing to do their work in the general field of psychology of reading, whether they plan simply to improve their general mastery of the field, or to prepare to serve as experts in remedial reading. The core courses represent the minimum essentials that should be mastered in this field. The related courses represent supplementary material from wnich selections should be made after consultation with the adviser. Course Hours “AL “Core Courses. P367 5 P255-P355 3 P268-P568 2 P261-P3381 é E25e-HS5e2 5 P399 e-~-§8 P300 0 B. Related Courses. P271-P371 EL6G P276-P376 P278 P354 E310 Psych. 154 tN A) WN OF tN i wi CN MO Titie Advanced Educational Psychology Mental Measurements of School Children Psychology of Reading Reading and Study Laboratory Educational Measurements Research in Educational Psychology Seminar The Nontypical Caild Stetistical Methocs Mental Hygiene Adolescence Educational Clinic Methods of Research Abnormal Psychology 4. PSYCHOLOGY OF READING OR READING SPECIALIST Dr. Nash