BOWS LEVERS: Lever ie « rigid Ser revolving about a fixed point.(axie or fulerun) fe setion of bones es levers and the ection of muscles to nove these levers fie funderentel te kinesiology, since all forma of ohysical movement occur thra the uce of levers There ere 3 types of levers: Ae Lever of first eless bas axis between the other two pointeie foree ari weight ect in eare directions, Ex. triceps muscle seting on elbow Joint (axie) and weight ie bande ( Weaghr a _ Weis R — “RQ4 £ Woxele. Wagner or Wear ae ee Be Lewor of second oclese bes the reistence on weight applied bee tween the foree or muscle pull and axie; feree and resistance act in opposite directions and the foree required ie lese than the weight or resigterce. Very few ( some cay none ) levers of second clase in bodys Coun : Voll of “mosele Ane is un - wins Weve Loreen ; ewan Werghr a Keais' once. Ce Levers of third clesseehave force applied between the resista nee and the axis; force and resiste:ce work in opposite directions; force alwaye greater than the resistances Exe biceps as foree, eller as axis and weight the hands Wosele Toll 5 “ o Yoece.