DATE KINSS IOLOGY itiAM NAME Lis tilts IV, VI. Give the general location and specific action of each of the following muscles: a= Trapezing b- Biceps Brachii c~ Hamstring group Give the general location and action of five of the following: a- Latissmus dorsi e= Quadratus Lumborum b- Levator Scarpulae f- Scaline c= Triceps brachii g- Rectus Abdominis d~ Brachioraddalis he- Pectoralis Major iw Levator costorum What are the movements of the: (a) shoulder joints (o) hip joint? Define: (a) Flexion (bo) Extension (a) Define "tonis" (b) At what point in body is stimulus for muscular tonis supposed to arise? Defines a= Epimysium t= Viscosity b= Perimysium d- Tetanus (two meanings) e~ Fasciculi ik hia titi en CLR 4, CUlhias Cnn eae wi ont (hints Coan Euticy Sy Tue! én dasa | —— on Gee pwn Gaye ! a Ve Le hae _ a Date 5% BE [lmalin eeppse 6 Bad Mea itn, Lin ace Rl. mettle at in weclieiecraetane ie Pe ie MOVEMENTS OF THE ANKLE JOINT AND THE MUSCLES PRODUCING THESE ACTIONS Tibialis Anterior FLEXION j. 7uxtensor Digitorum Longus Peroneus Tertius >Extensor Hallicus Longus EXTENSION @& Peroneus Longus Peroneus Brevis os Gastrocnemius my INVERSION BAY. ~<—o : Te en \Y f oo 3 Popliteus WY J Flexor Digitorum Longus EVARSION Flexor Hallicus Longus Tibialis Posterior Se = = : Ne ee EN eT % i MOVEMENTS OF THE KNEE JOINT iceps Femoris Gastrocnemius = Plantaris Flexion — \ Extension fe Lateral Quadriceps Femoris Rotation : Sartorius >Semimembranosus Medial Rotation Semitendinosus Tensor fascia latae (acting through the ilfotibial band) Sy MUSCULATURE OF THE HIP AND THIGH FLEXION fe: =. . “ : Psoas Major un Minor Tliacus + Pectineus . »Gracilis s ADDUCTION p..-"-” iriformis ‘*iAdductor Longus "+ gAdductor Brevis Y a : 3 "Adductor Magnus oo - ! “*Gluteus Maximus . ie a _ a “~eGluteus Minimus Sek g / “pa luteus Medius ’ 7 “a e ' f Tensor Fascia Lata 7 FS f Vv SY J NS * Obturator Internus / yy NAVA Z — Superior ’ ° pceme llus Inferior EXTENSION ROTATION y . \ > \ Semi Tendoniosus \, Semi Membranosus MOVEMENTS OF THE ELBOW JOINT AND THE MUSCLES PRODUCING THESE ACTIONS FLEXION Anconeus < s YErachio radialis i or ; 1) pao Carpi Radialis Longus 7 fi Spf fe txrensor Carpi Radialis Brevis . 4, Pe EXTENS ION # . f mn - f ““Bxtensor Digitorum Communis , “Extersor Digiti Quinti Propius a Carpi Ulnaris \ firouer Girpi Radialis WX \y\ SUPINATION exor D§.gitorum Sublimus Fkexor Cerpi Ulnaris \ Pronator Teres : fo Longus 4 Supinate@- PRONATION Triceps ‘orachii oon ———— MOVEMENTS OF THE WRIST JOINT AND THE MUSCLES PRODUCING THESE ACTIONS FLEXION Flexor Carpi Readialis —~ te Sr ~—f#--Palmaris Longus ania: ~~ fee Digitorum Sublimis mr, Y icc Carpi Ulnaris Flexor Digitorum Profundus Flexor Pollicis Longus EXTENS OR Extensor SAY Extensor \SSEZ Extensor Extensor Extensor ABDUCTORS ‘Abductor “~~~ — Extensor p Extensor Extensor ADDUC TORS Carpi Radialis Longus Carpi Radialis Brevis Digitorum Communis Digiti Quinti Proprius arpi Ulnaris Pollicis Longus Pollicis Brevis Pollicis Longus Indicis Proprius MUSCLES OF THE SHOULDER=GIRDLE Pectoralis Major ee audit a Elevation 4 ve Pectoralis Minor Sw of \ _— Subclavius —— Depression 5 Serratus Anterior CN — XS Trapezius Protrection ¢ OCD rvemoen Ma jor gt an Minor Retraction ye Levator Scapulae Latissimus Dorsi MOVEMENTS OF THE SHOULDER GIRDLE Forward - Protraction Backward =~ Retraction Upward - Elevation Downward ~ Depression Combinations =< Rotation The shoulder is an enarthrodial (Ball and Socket) joint. The articulation is formed by the head of the humerus and the glenoid fossae LIGAMENTS OF THE SHOULDER JOINT Capsular Gleno*Humere.1 CoracosHumerel Transver se+ Humeral and the Glenoid le Ze Se 4. Se 66 Te 8. Ge 10. lle 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 206 KINES IOLOGY Define the following: (a) Anatomy (e) Osteology (vb) Physiology (f) Neurology (c) Kinesiology (g) Myology (4) Syndesmology (h) Histology What is a cell? What is the difference between a cell, an organ, and a system? Discuss what is meant by an exciting cause and a predisposing cause and give an example illustrating eache What is meant by abduction and adduction in physical education? hat is the difference between rotation end circumduction? What is a "charley horse"? Explain the kinesiological relationship between extension ond flexion, and a "charley horse." List ahd deseribe three typés of muscle tissue. Give examples of eache Draw a diagrem of a muscle cell and label sercalemma, sarcaplasm, sarcomeres, sarcostyles and myo-neural junction. i. typical skeletal muscle consists of: (a) (c) (b) (a) What is the approximate chemical composition of a muscle? ‘hat is a "property?" Give the properties of muscle tissuee - Name a muscle or ligament that derives its name from: (a) Location (a4) Structure (ov) Points of attachment (e) Direction (c) Shape (f) Function Explain the difference between: Give examples of eache (a) prime movers (b) antagonists (c) fixation muscles Draw a diagram of a motor neurone end label dendrites, nerve call, nucleus, axis cylinder, neurilemma, medullary sheath, and terminal branche Give the function of (a) nerve cell and its nucleus (b) axix cylinder (c) Neurilemma (d) dendrites chat is a lever? What is the relationship between levers and kinesiology? What is a synovitis? What is a symphesis? Joints are classified as: (a) (>) (c) What is the difference between cranial and spinal nerves? Name the 12 pairs of cranial nervese Nome the 31 pairs of spinal nerves. Name the sympathetic nerveSe what muscles are colled the hamstrings, and why are they importent? In punting a football (o.) What muscles of the limb are employed? (b) How do these muscles act on the pelvis? What muscles effect flexion and extension of the knee? What is the work of the following muscles in relation to the movement of the ankle joint: oe (a) tibialis anterior (b) Plantaris (c) gastrocnemius Zle 226 256 24-6 206 ws Oot Give three (3) ways in which the tensor facia lata affects movemente Describe the general movements of the shoulder girdle; the kind of joint; and the ligaments involved in the shoulder joint. hat muscles of elbow joint produce supination and extension? What is the difference between supination and pronation? Name the pronators and flexors. “What nerves are involved in the reflex aro. The instructor tells the student in their minds eye to lick their tonge over a lemon. “hat action takes place over the nervous system? an -