NOTE—If the 6 Weeks Period is used in grading, then the average should be recorded at end of the 6th, 12th and 18th week. If the Quarterly is used, record quarterly average at end of the 9th and 18th week. ° 1S First Six Weeks Period . ist Week 2nd Week 8rd Week Indicate Calendar Date Grade MT FiM T TF\M T T F x ‘ * . 4 » Summary, of Semester’ 8 Work in Subject : Distribution 6 Columns below are fdr? Test Grades, ene Tents, ete. wire |e ie o© }ao IN [To ito 10 zl: - 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 85 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 | 43 ape dtc vA De, ¥ ‘ ee _ What aninad se a * sea aE 5S ic Aieag theroughly Livic dhe Dadk* ef peetenting 40 be Litvlous in order te avetd ettrasting attention that ite mane is prectically a slang word? Ze that other aniuals or birds de you know which practice this art ef deception? Se Wat anteal do you knew which slipe wp on ite prey by very slew, etealthy mevenents? Stn eves foe found te ve deptated in sary a ear — a Greek, Orden seul Ameri Byeption, we drawings er pture, or oan Se ik Aan tik i ete aiee Dini, 6 tudy Fro, in ssndpein of mate notne und soparent cous of fthgun 46 ip lng eontinueds If you perferm it ef » hew de you think you accieved this? yeu perferm it ineffieiently, how could you go about improving it? Ce Find seme chair which is uncemfertalle for yous Why is it unconfertable? : 7+ Have you ever worn clething which was uncenfertable? Lay veasen fer thie discomfort in terms of effect upen your » Be elont sone apart skill vaish you have dearued recently. Write out the reasons which you know fer the details of the technique which you were taughte %» In driving « car with the driver's seat adjusted too clese er tee far fren the _ wheel for @ persen ef your size, where do you notice the feeling ef fatigue? a Refine Mnseifegy and give Ste gmoral relationships te sails one tk. ee 7 td Aa lcfe A! Ltn © e CS Ca é {3 co re ee ae pi2GA tf. 7 C DD = ; : SS 3 retin pAltipsrble oh nd = FA a i ° pe 1 ee . oo / Dap silhglbdsldqgcs med wor Af & oe L 7? as S ae cy 2 rd es . i Dee et et et ets tt et et tO Oe J er ee ATRL Vt Cc GV BVAD ‘a Crmesto Ao Co ei | : = oS. aa as ‘Some Special »: re a Comanectton with Sehoo [Sis iaven PS ys Fa =" a San SE heb - og, Rieke 4 ond \_ , Pinte Ox. Vv Of Hutt Auf Gt tilt hee. he of Od ck bh 4. HE. in se "Koy sa f hee Lb Pee “ le Upon what is effective teaching in physical education based? State in One sentence. : ; : 2. Disouss briefly the universality of movement. 3. Disouss briefly the history of the science of kinesiology. 4. Select eny motor activity which you perform rather frequently. Study your actions from the standpoint of waste motions and apparent causes of fatigue if continued. If you perform it effieiently, how do you think you achieved this? If you perform it inefficiently, how could you go about improving your efforts? : 5. Discuss briefly why the articulations of the body are the hinges upon which the study of kinesiology swing. 6. in nuch the sem way as in Question 5, discuss the relationship of the muscles of the body to the study of kinesiology. a Baas ce hae coe > a