(1) When did you first propose the 12-foot goal, and \_ how do you think it will help basketball? (2) What is your answer to the counter charge that 12-foot goals would reduce scoring? (3) Why do you think the rules committee did not adopt your 12-foot goal suggestion? I mean by that, what do you think was really behind it? (4) In your long career as a player and a coach, who was the first goal-robber you ever saw(please give first name), what club did he play with, and what year did he do his stuff? (5) Why weren't there more of them in the old days? (6) When one was encountered, how did teams in the old days go about stopping his goal-stealing? (7) What is the machinery one has to go through to get a new rule passed in basketball? How long does it take, usually? (8) I recall that when the center jump was outlawed, it was preceded by a year or so of experimentation to see how it worked. Is it always the custom of the rules committee, when considering major changes, to first order a year or so of experi- mentation? (9) What major changes has the rules committee ever okayed without first trying them out as experiments? (10) Bruce says the experimentation idea won't work on this goal-stealing controversy because no coach with a big boy is going°to voluntarily agree mB | i not to let his giant goal-robe Do you think he has got something? (11) When the rules committee finally does do something about the tall player, do you think it will simply okay the rule without first ordering coaches to experi- ment with it a year in advance like the Pacific Coast waches did on the center jump elimination? (12) Bruce says the Sasketball Coaches Association since 1939 has recommended to the rules committee that it kill goal-tending by forbidding the giants to touch the ball in its downward flight and penalize them a goal if they do. Why, in your opinion, hasn't the rules committee followed this suggestion? (13) About what percentage of the suggestions made by the coaches’ association are followed by the rules committee? I mean by this, does the rules committee make it a practice of bgnoring the coaches’ suggestions? Do you recall any other suggestions for changes by the coaches association that the rules committee has not carried out? (14) The new basketball guide says “among the proposals to be studied and covered in next year's questionaire” will be awarding a field goal when a tall man touches a try for goal coming dom. I don't understand what this questionaire is? Who mails it out, who gets it, and what effect does it have om the-rutes~comittee?