SINE RENGE ET STEN rr EES ET Boot ae Rs a Indio Series Sponsored W the Domartnent of Physical Education over KFKU Thursdays, 6<6:15 pets Teller OTTER tI MMe hati i harden we eee Besar ontaea wre ari aiaaine Cota Ty: SUN "our Yume Tenshare ‘rite ona” (Dre Forrest Ce Allen and Miss Elizabeth Dunieel) | Ostober 20, 1958 = "inuns Youth ent Hywien) Biusation of the Future” (Dre Porrest Cy Allen and Dre “. i» Ebel) ‘october 27, 1958 = “fansas Youth and Physical Bawation of the Future" sontimied from Oct. 20 (Dre Allen and Dre Ebel) Vowenbor 3, 1998 = “Ptysioal Biveetion and the lew Peyehdlogy” (Drs Re He Theoler end Mrs James He Report) — tlowenber 20, 1956 = “the Place of Piynie: duentiion in the Publie shoots" (Dre Forrest Ce Allen and ire Jolm EB, Jacobs) Vownter 17, 1050 = "amen Sense in erates” (are artiur Fe Raghey of the of Physical Iducation, lietropolitan life insurance Cos) Hovenhor 24, 1958 = "Vietory Through Heprit de Corps" (dre Forrest C. Allen) Decenber 1, 1938 = "Fhysioal | for Iigh School Boys” (Dre Vs Ye Lapp and bre Le Re Porry Decenber 8, 1958 ~ "The Progrem of Physical Education from the Viewpoint of the High School Student" (Drs Ve “. Lapp and Mre Le Re Perry) | Desenbor 15, 1958 = “Reereathomal Sports for Wane), a i hee iiss Jane Byrn) Deceniber 22, 1958 = "Suiming end Swimming Pools" (ire He Ge AlIphin and Me We A, DA11) +Deeenber 29, 1983 « "The Qwlities of a Chempion* (Dre Forrest C. Allen and Lire Glenn Oatmean) domary 5, 1939 = “fadainton” (irs demos He Raport, lire Bruce Kinball, lire Webster Kimball) ne Fe en eee Jamueury 19, 1939 = “Girl Soouts” (ities Ruth Hoover and lirge Ie Ex Dies) ee oe Ure lie Re Parry, lires Margaret ea easier oe eel