Kansas Health and Physical Education Association May, 1939 Volume VIII Bulletin No. 8 THE IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN OUR EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM A paper read by, Mr. BE. R. Sheldon, Supervisor of High Schools, Kansas State Dept. of Education, at the State Convention of the K,H.& P.E.A. held in McPhers.. Some one has said that teaching is re- cognized as the most highly cooperative enterprise in the world. Granted that civilization in America is face to face with a youth problem and that the job of the teacher is one of cooperation, then it is evident that the schools must assume a part of that responsibility of helping young people to find their places in an adult world. We must keep in mind that whatever is done for youth in our Nation must be done by the local community. What is meant by Health Education? For practical purposes it is best to think of the secondary school health program as the benefits coming to the child through the health services he receives and the benes#it fits obtained from classroom instructor, Good health is not inalienable, It must be earned and maintained. Nor is this easier to do in the twentieth than in the nineteenth century. It is, in fact, ine creasingly more difficult, The sober truth is that civilization tends to destroy health, and only the combined efforts of an alert public health service and educa- tion can preserve the vitality of individ- uals or the Nation. Although I have had but two decades of school experience, during which time I have been especially interested in health educa- tion, I am quite thoroughly convinced that the development of good health habits and the building of sound bodies are about the most useful services that a school system can render. I am sure that there is pro- perly very little or no distinction between physical and health education. They have one common purpose: The fostering of good health and the building of health habits that will be practiced throughout life. Out of every child's life should como the mastery of one or more games or physical activities that he can — and enjoy throughout life, I am convinced that sheratect education is equally desirable for both boys and girls and that the games and athletics should be so varied and extended that all pupils may participate regulariy in some activity, It is certainly true that con- tests for prizes or trophics should be discouraged as rapidly as we can create in the pupils the desire to do their best at all times for no reward beyond the satisfaction of the attainment of a worthy goal. I am positive that our cities need to establish an adequate number of play- grounds and recreation centers so that all boys and girls of the community may have tho opportunity of healthful out- door recreation under competent super= vision, It pays in moral as well as in health returns, I am sure that emotional control is a major responsibility of a program of health education; therefore student- leadership should be encouraged. Education itself is dependent on phys- ical vitality. A reasonably strong body is the best guarantee of mental health. Good physical condition is necessary. too, to long-continued mental effort. A strong body makes for mental endurance, Then, too, learning itself depends on good health, since the child must be alert, rested, willing, and responsive, A siek, tired, or mal-nourished pupil is inevitably a slower learner because of his handicaps. The future may reveal that; for: very many: pupils, a given amount of time and effort spent in im- proving health yields more learning than the same time and effort spent in direct and immediate study. We are told that the use of physical education in controlled situations has become an important therapy in the recov- ery of mental patients, Opportunities are afforded through recreational activi- ties to gain deeper insight into dif- ficulties of the personality. Since you are guides to moving and doing, you in the profession of physical education havc speciai opportunities and obligations in molding personality. No one can guide physical education activities without at the same time guiding personality adjust. ment. Now sometimes teachers who sevm wt: get good results in athletics get abvomir- able results in personality outccms. Usually these unwise teachers do not knov any better. They have been looking for