ae are 2 aE ELE: Be eae a 5 % &, & rs: ESRM.-2 (Be) Dr. Allen was not present to report. Miss caum mentioned the program arranged by him and broadcast over KYKU every Thursday evening at six o'clock. Merle lienre reported sending copies of the bulletin to the sectional meetings of the Kansas State Teachera Association. neil members to send hia a record of any ir. Washburn requested Couned, | | place offering especially interesting projects in safety education. | | Fe or ed that the danuary number would be the curriculum issue. ee seneral Convention Plans. Miss Saum reported that it was impossible to obtain the Hunphrey- Weidman Dance Group. It was decided to have one speaker followed by a mixer. A directory of “ePherson schools will be included in the — There will be informal visitation by those persons desiring There will be no wonvention luncheon. ‘Small groups may select eating places and arrange for their own meals. Miss Saun suggested that advertising space in the program be sold to eafes and restaurants, Miss Loover moved that the Council meet at eight A.M. Saturday morning of convention and that they not have breakfast together. ‘iss Saum announced a meeting of the Executive Committee at three oteclock, and of the Council at four o'sclock on Friday of convention. It was decided that, if necessary, $10 be paid for the use of the Persian room at the “eGourt “otel during convention. | Teacher training institutions were urged to make every effort to have their major students in attendance. Hotel is making a rate of *1.00 per room to students with the privilese of putting three in a room. A student section is being planned. : Oran Sheare# reported that he had had a response fwom only one of the Miss HoCullough reported tentative plans to have Dale Zellar speak on curriculum planning; somebody from the ¥.P.A. on what is being done with recreation for women; and a panel on current problems and methods. Mr. Moll reported arrangments for Dr. Rarick to aneak before the sec- tion. “e has other speakers under consideration.