Mire Andrew We lcDonald, Coach, Springfield State Teachers Coos Springfield, Missourie Dear Andys It was good to see you Saturdays I looked over the paper Sunday to sec how you came out with Baker, but there was mene 3 3% t Seapine you maet tee eked Ges Andy, I received a letter fron andy Kerr of Colgate and elso one from George Ls Rider, of Miami, copies of which I - am sending you, confidentially. You will recall that Rider was Director of Athletics at-Washington University for a mmber of yearss He is a grand man, as is Andy Kerr You will notice that I have said a lot for Ray Parlins, but have also put your name in the pote I am wondering if you will sit dow and write me the information on your exper -ieneces and qualifications since you left the University. I would like to have this on file, because I know that I can do you some good when the opportimity presents itself. Please keep this entirely confidential, but I wanted you to imow about these two letters because doubtless you will have some inquiry concerning one or the other jobs Doubtless these men have written to other coaches, as well as to me, so they will perhaps get a large number of recommendations, but I mm going down the line on you two boys, ens er ee able to do you some goods With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, — Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH , Varsity Basketball Coach.