ote gave many valuable suggestions. He says there o2e about one hundred new schcol buildings in Kansas with good gymnasium facilities, mamy of which are not being useaG to their fullest extent, and to in- cluce a physical activity program for all pupils, Mr. Markham surgests that wo buiid our curriculum from a small begin- ning with the help of as uany people from different parts of the state and with as diversified interests as possible, We have had an interview with Miss Dale Zcllar who for several years has directed curriculum work in general in Kansas as set up in the State Superinten- dent's office. Her ideas follow those worked on at Peabody College. We hope and expect that Miss Zellar can be on the program at the annual meeting in McPher- son to give us all a view of the best ideas in curriculum building, Everyone on the comnittee is contribut- ing much time and thought. Miss Eva Lyman is working on publicity of the com- mittee with the Parent-Teachers Associa-= tion. Mr. C. S. Moll is turning his attention to a philosophy of curriculum, Mr. L. P, Dittemore makes our contacts and appointments and arranges for our meetings in Topeka. Merle Henre has had some conferences with the State Teacher's Association Chairman, Every one on the committee has studied the "Physical Edu- cation Curriculum" by Wm. R. LaPorte, se=. lected portions of which you will find in another article, Qur progress seems slow, but we hope to develop curriculum standards of reel value to all the schools in Kansas and a little later will call on many of you for help and suggestions, 000 Under the supervision of Merle Henre, Supervisor of Physical Education in Kansas City, group meetings of the men and women Physical Directors, are boing held. Ten meetings have veen plenned for the purpose of bringing the Course of Study up to Date, and for improvement of teaching. Each teacher will have charge: of a certain phase of the Course of Study while the rest of the croup act as the 'class' and carry out the instructions. Each teacher has 1s hours to present three activities as they would be pre- sented to Jr. or Sr. High School students, The men and women meet in scparate groups, Comment and Criticism will be given at the close of each period, McPherson Dedication The new-senior high school at MsPhér- son will be dedicated on February 10, There will be an all-day voregram pus on by the schocl and its different denart- ments. The physical education devartment has prepared the following for preserta- tion, under the direction of Miss Snyder, Miss Ballard and Helen Hirni; "A Day of Melodies and Rhythms" rologue;: Time - "You Old Gympsy Man" The Day Morning: 1. Skiing at Dawn Afternoon: 1. My Johann. 2. Tea Dance Evening: 1. Vespers. 2, Evening Serenade. 5. My Walking Stick. Night: 1. Moonlight and Shadows. 2. A twinkling Star. 3. Stars. 000 Auto Driving Instruction A course in the proper method of driv- ing a motor car is being added to the curriculum of the Topeka high school, It is installed with the co-operation and aid of the Kansas State Highway Patrol. Last year Newton high school inaugurated a similar course which was well received. Upon permission from their parents, qyhe students interested will be allowed to enter. The class will consist each each week of three periods of basic work in the class-:rc6oom and two of actual driving experience, Classroom instruction will include training in the essential mechanical parts, the prorer knowledge of traffic laws and regulations, and other necese sary points, On their lesson in actual eritins. the students will be accompanied by a unifermed member of the Highway Patrol, The pupils wii! drive over a set route each time anc will ba given practice in handiing the car in traffic and less busy thorofares, the observance of traf- fic lights, parking--parallel and diag- nal-~actions or hiiis and curves, and any other factors encountered, At the compietion of the course,which is expected to take between four and six weeks, the patroi instructor will issue certificates tc the pupils who have proved themselves to be capable drivers, 000 @ F4y