a5e on the main bulletin board each day, This entire ptogram secmed to cause a great deal of interest, and many beeame “Posture Conscious.” On March 9 the music and physical education departments at MePherson combined for a sorg and dance program. It replaced the senior high operetta and eym cxhibi- tion, of past years. The program was called "Mclodies and Rhythms of 1938," During the second six wecks period of this semester, Mr. Rich and Miss Hirni Started. cosrecreation. classes in-the 9th. grade twien a week, as a new project, They started with relays, simple games, folk and square dances, 2 2K K Russell, Kansas, is aes ih & fine few school building which embodies the most modern and upstoadate features of school planning, Physical education is well provided for with a gytmabium floor 80 by 48 fost and a sebtiti¢g capacity of 1000; Dressing and shower rooms for boys and girls are pladed oH opposite sides urider the bleachers: The gymnisium deditation pladtie appeals for good sportsmanship, fair plhy and a wholesome scHool spirit. * KK The senior Physical Education Majors at Kansas State College, Manhattan, Made their annual inspection trip recently. They went to Wichita to study the Health and Physical Education program as carried on in the Wichita schools, Three days were spent observing activities, methods, facilities, and the organization of the depart- ment in all school grades, kK Miss Marian Telford, feature speaker on the program of the K.H.&P,E.A. Conven- tion, is the Director of Field Activities and Consultant on Child Safety, National Safety Council, and Chairman of the National Committee on Safety and Director of the Project, National Congress of Parents and Teachers. In the summer time she teaches the course in Safety Education in the Department of Physical Education at Toachers College, Columbia, 2% The Editors wish to thank those who sent in news items for this issue. They also wish to urge others to do likewisc. Others are intcrested in what YOU are doing, so sit down now and send in one or more items. IMPORTANT DATES March 25 and 26 Kansas Health and Physical Education Association Convention, Pittsburg. March 30 = April 2 ee. Central District Physical Education Association Convention, Minneapolis, Minnesota. April 20-23 me ED mere: cw seem coe American Association for Health and Physical Education Convention Atlanta, Georgia Editorial Board:=- L. P. Washburn, Manhattan, Editor-in-chief; Ardis Hill, Kansas City; Oran Shearer, Wichita.