on Dee This item, submitted by J. B. Edwards, Central Intermediate School, Wichita, illustrates the continued search for the ideal grading system for physical educatica, The new grading system as adopted by the Wichita Department of Health and Physica E- ucation after a great deal of study and discussion by the staff consists of 5 main essentials and is as follows; OBJECTIVE: 1. Attendance, 2. Achievement in Knowledge, 3, Achievement in Physica: - Performance; 4. Costume (a) Complete (b) Marked (c) Clean. SUBJECTIVE: 5. Attitude (a) Effort (b) Cooperation (c) Sportsmanship (d) Courtesy, On the basis of these factors each pupil is to be given a grade of A,B,C,D, or ". Each physical director will use these five main essentials in determining a grade Tests of knowledge ahd physical performance are to be made up and administered by eact: physical director and these are to cover the most important points taught in cach ac- tivity. Each physical director is to have the right to determine how much importanco to place on any one of the five essentials with the general recommendation that achicv ment in knowledge and physical porformance be given major consideration, The WeA.As of McPherson College sponsored its first Volleyball Sports Day on January 29. Volleyball teams and instructors in physical education for women from the five colleges; Bethany, Kansas Wesleyan, Sterling, Bothel, and Southwestern were guests. 70 attended. An alimination type of tournament was used, Two games were in progress at one time, Another important fcature of the day was the luncheon or ban- quet, The days' program was under the genoral direction of Miss Lilyan Warnor, Wome ens Instructor in Physical Education and Sponsor of the W,A.A. Dr. Ve We Lapp of Kansas University is Chairman of the Research Section of the Central District Physical Education Association, The new Chanute Junior College, which was dedicated in Novombor, has o gymnasium seating 1500. It is on first floor end offers modern facilities to players and spec- tators, It will. serve both Senior High School and Junior College. Clem Tuggle, for 11 years coach and commerce instructor at Atchison High School, resigned to become a representative of the Travellers Insurance Company « The Physical Education Department of Rosedale High School, K.eCe, Kse, under the direction of Leo Green and Juanita Nicholson, gave a gymshow-circus, January 20. Miss Thora. Ludviskon, Past-President of the K,H.& P.,E.A., who formerly taught at Wichita High School North, is now teaching at the Roosevelt High School, Minneapolis, Minn, 7 Mr. James Douglass, for several years instructor in physical education and coach at Salina High School, resigned recently to go with the International Harvester Com- pany. He is located.at Topeka, Worth Reading "The Philosphy of Athletics." - in Scholastic Coach for December, 1957. "The New York State Athletic Program," by H. A, Jones ~- in Journal of Health and Phys- jcal Education, January, 1938. A full description of a very remarkable new set up in public school athletics, "Blementary Balancing and Tumbling." - Journal of Health and Physical Education. Excellent descriptions, illustrations and progression of activities for boys, "Marijuana - Assassin of Youth." - American Magazine, July, 19387. An amazing record of danger to American youth and school children, The Editors wish to thank those who sent in material for this issue of the Bul- letin. It is impossible to get out the Bulletin without YOUR help. Please consider this a personal invitation to YOU Mr, or Miss Member, IMPORTANT DATES March 25 and 26 Kansas Health and Physical Education Association Convention, Pittsburg. March 30 - April 2 Central District Physical Education Association Convention, Minneapolis, Minnesota Editorial Board:=L.P.Washburn, Manhattan, Editor-inechief;Ardis Hill, Kansas City.