THE BRANDENBURG SILVER ANNIVERSARY “O) & During the week of March 14-18, the faculty, students, alumni, and friends of Kansas State Teachers College of Pittsburg will commemorate 25 years of service of Dr. William A. Brandenburg; beloved by all and known familiarly as “Prexy” to his students and friencs. Back in 1913 when “Prexy” came to Pittsburg from the public school system of Oklahoma City to assume his duties as president of the then infant State Manual Training Normal, there was a faculty of 43 members with an enrollment of 430 students. Today the College has a faculty of 135 members with an enrollment of 1,416. In contrast with the 13 buildings on the campus today, “Prexy” found only Russ hall and an unequipped Industrial Arts building. This quarter of a century of growth and expansion of the institution which has granted a total of 3,391 bachelor’s de- grees, 397 Master of Science degrees, and 5,772 life teaching certificates, is only a small portion of the guiding influences of the man who has served as its president for 25 years. Plan now to participate in this week set aside to honor Dr. Brandenburg. *. hr \