October 27, 1938. Mire Earl Morrison, Salina High School, Salina, Kansase Dear Mr. Morrison: I regret to inform you that we will be umable te seoure Glenn Cunningham for the convention of the Kemsas Health and — Rdueation Association on March 25.6 I find that Dr. Cunningham is to rum in Chicago on thet date. Of course, his comtract here et the Unive ersity gives him the privilege of entering certain meots« i em sorry that he will not be available for our . nesting on hte date, ex T"beltow te would Inve bom & biestor of Fhysioal Hauoation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. L. P. WASHBURN, EDITOR KANSAS STATE COLLEGE ORAN SHEARER, PRESIDENT-ELECT ALL‘SON INTERMEDIATE win Kansas Health and Physical 0. cece ec recs HENRY SHENK, VICE-PRESIDENT KANSAS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL Ed e e e ienieaaaea JUNCTION CITY ucation Association * 2 * DISTRICT COUNCIL MEMBERS ee en eee HELEN G. SAUM, PresiDENT HELEN G. SAUM, MANHATTAN €. Az: THOMAS, TOPEKA KANSAS STATE COLLEGE W. H. MIFFLIN, COFFEYVILLE RUTH HOOVER. LAWRENCE MANHATTAN, KANSAS ARDIS HILL, KANSAS City October. 25, 1958 Dr, Be Cs Bilton Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens The Kansas Health and Physical Education Association is holding its annual convention in McPherson March twenty- fourth and twenty-fifth. At a recent executive council meeting it was suggested that we try to secure Dr. Glenn Cunningham « as the main speaker for the athletic section Saturday afternoon, March twenty-fifth, at one o'clock. I am writing to you, knowing that you will be familiar with the channels through which he is obtained, and’ asking that you see what you can do for the association in this matter. I would appreciate the earliest possible reply. Sincerely yours, Gel FT perc dk, Earl Morrison Chairman, Athletic Section October 27, 1938. I on Chicago the of Physical his of caimot Very sincerely yours, Varsity | ee L. P. WASHBURN, EDITOR KANSAS STATE COLLEGE ORAN SHEARER, PRESIDENT-ELECT ALLISON INTERMEDIATE — Kansas Health and Physical seu. seve ove secre HENRY SHENK, VICE-PRESIDENT KANSAS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL Ed - . ‘ aoa JUNCTION CITY ucation Association sd insta DISTRICT COUNCIL MEMBERS See ee HELEN G. SAUM, PRESIDENT HELEN G. SAUM, MANHATTAN E. A. THOMAS, TOPEKA KANSAS STATE COLLEGE W. H. MIFFLIN, COFFEYVILLE RUTH HOOVER, LAWRENCE MANHATTAN, KANSAS ARDIS HILL, KANSAS CITY Manhattan, Kansas. October 26th,1938, Dr. F.C.Allen, University of Kansas, Kanrence, Km sas, Dear Dr. Allen; I was able to get K.F.K.U. tonight for your 6;00 P.M. broadcast although "Amos and Andy" were running you close competition from another station nearby. It is just the kind of program we need - information, suggestion and ehlightenment for those who have no conception of physical education in the "educational" sense. Thank you for your letter and the enclosures I do hope that the other radio stations will be able to contribute to the programs. It depends largely upon the person in charge - it takes someone willing to put the time and effort into the planning of interesting material. I have received Dean Schwegler's acceptance to speak at the convention but Dr. Hertzler replied that he could not leave the hospital during the day. If we find it impossible to get the Humphrey-Weidman Group for Friday night, I shall plead with him once more to come for that session. I have written to N.P.Neilson, national secretary of the American Association for Health, Physical Education andRecreation inviting him to attend out meeting if he is in this section on his way to the National Convention in San Francisco April 3. If he comes, we should try to get members of the State Board, Mr. Markham, Dale Zeller and others to attend the meeting,as I believe his background and position would carry some weight with them. Thank you again for your fine work on the Radio Publicity. When we have able people like you on the Council, there is no reason why the association should not do something out- standing this year. e “Helen G. Saum,Pres. %.H.&. FP BA. I an very sorry that it will be impossible for me Go atbend the meeting of the Comoil of the Kansas Health end Physical Education Association on Saturday, December 5, at the Hotel Wareham, Manhattan, Oa Saturday mowing I expect to be in Kensas 04 de. tekan totehegeateion undies Ut tow’ tha Wha loci | coaches, and then in the afternoon we are conducting a clinic Many OS Lamanene fer the high suheck Senchien tank ainyene of # FOGi ce Very sincerely yours "~ KANSAS HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION The Council of the Kansas Health and Physical Education Assoeia- tion met at the MeGourt Hotel, MoPherson, Kansas, Saturday, October 1 at 10 a. m. Meeting was called to order by the president, Helen Saum. Roll was taken by the secretary pro tem, Hazel Cave. Members present: ¥. G. Allen Earl Morrison Hazel Gave Helen Saum Katherine Geyer Oran Shearer Merle Henre Henry Shenk Ruth Hoover Fritz Snodgrass Geneva Millet Ralph Titus G. S. Moll L. PF. Washburn The minubes of the previotis meeting were read and approved. —— report was read and accepted. The balance on hand is The matter of representation on the K.S.T.A. program committee, tabled last spring, was reported on by Miss Saum. Such representation would necessitate a change in conshitution of E.3.T.A. Mr. Pinet wrote that the same results could be accomplished by contacting the President of K.S.T.A. with regard to our desires for speakers. Gommittee Reports: eee Letters to members of the State Board of Education brought many favorable replys. The following persons were appointed to the Curriculum Committee: Edna McCullough, chairman; C. S. Moll, and Merle Eenre. Numerous suggestions were maie for arousing favorable sentiment among influential people toward a state curriculum in physical education. . ites | } | of American Association of Phi al = t: t Recreation. Miss Lyman made a formal report of the ania. "Mr. Henre, as substitute delegate, submitted a number of interesting personal comments on higR, points. These reports are in the secretary's file. L | - Miss Saum read a letter from Earl . ar ye Ti: Pp a future report. He reported the change in name of the National laapetebhon, This brought up the question of a change of name of our state association. Mr. Yashburn moved that the matter be tabled. Seconded by lr. Snodgrass, motion carried. “lination. Miss Saum mentioned Mr. Hinman's report last spring of ine response from those organizations contacted. It was the general consensus of opinion that representatives from these agenéies should meet and reach some basis of agreement. The matter was carried over to another neeting. : P . Mr. Washburn reported consideration of appointing as Chairman of demonstration for state convention a person outside of the convention city. Merle Henre made the motion that Miss McCullough, as Ghairman of the Demonstration Committee, prepare an outline to submit _ to person in charge of local demonstration. Seconded by Henry Shenk, motion carried. K.H. & P.E.A. (8) K.3.T.is Hound Table Representatives the Council: opeka - Mildred bu atosten Besse ity - Weris Henre Wichita - Oran Shearer _ Hutehison «- C. S. Moll Salina - ? Pittsburg - Hazel Cave Hays - Elizabeth Barbour | Garden City - Geneva Millett (7?) BuABee Ruth Hoover made the notion that the budget be approved. a LySan seconded the motion. Motion carried. Oo yommittee. Mr. Allen proposes that in each town where there is a io tion, particularly the college towns and those having larger high sehools, a man and a woman be responsible for regular periods of broadcast. The following persons have been indicated: , Topeka - Mildred Huddleston Manhattan - Katherine Geyer and L. P. Yashburn Pittsburg ~ Hazel Cave 7 Salina ~ Katherine Scheier and Earl Morrison Kansas City - Merle Henre and Helen Barnett Wichita - Oran Shearer and Ivelyn Hinton Coffeyville - Bill Mifflin Garden City ~ Kenneth Brecheisen Abilene ~- Marvin Van Osdol Hutchinson «- Mary Lou Clark Dodge City ~ Ralph Churchill BABES oa ene icity. Merle Henre asked for suggestions as to ho city co gotten into the papers. It was suggested that persons of our own group belonging to other groups publishing magazines, use their influence. Henry Shenk - Th sas che C. 3. Moll - L ore soncpee American Legion Le P. Washburn - Co-operatives iva Lyman - Parent-Teachers Association Helen Hirni - American Association of University Women Geneva Millett - Business and Professional Yomen’s Club cpa Henry Shenk asked that the subject of membership be : fore the Round Table of K.S.T.A. at the beginning of the mecting. It was suggested that a copy of the bulletin be ready for free distribution to those attending the meetings as a measure for arousing interest in membership. | (thw ir. Washburn emphasized the importance of every council member"’s sending in any items of news that would be of interest. Numerous suggestions were made for types of material for inclusion in the Bulletin. A change in cover and form of printing were also Suggested. Henry Scunk avved that the budget for the bulletin be increased from $25 to $50. Oran Shearer seconded the motion. Movion carried. 3 2S Sted : ) ; th AS SOC a number x eet for th ee Year. Miss Saum read or this year. Committee Appointments: Appointments fer 1938639. | e Auditing Committee---Oren Shearer, Wichita---Chairman Alberta Bainbridge, “ichita Eva Lyman, ‘ichita - Publicity---Newspapers and Magazines--Merle Henre, Kansas City Radio=-Dr. F. G. Allen, K.U. : Gouvention-~-Oren Shearer, Wishita cords-~-Mary Lou Clark, Liberty High, Hutchinson, Kansas 4. Registration and Information--liazel Cave(Sec,.~-Treas. ) 5. Budget--(Sec.Treas) Henry Shenk, ¢unetion City Gdna MoGullough, “mporia--Chairman Merle Henre, Kansas City : Ce. S. Moll, K.5.C. Manhattan Eva Lyman, "kK. S.¥. Manhattan i Se t @ i *¢ ah ulloush, R.8.7.C. Emporia Men's--C.S. Koll, E.S.C. Manhattan Athletic--Earl HKorrison, Salina Public School--R.R. Strait, Chanute Student's Section-Geneva Millett E.G. ¢. Hays (Yaior Students) 9 as Ta | — ri heat aX. ieh n 8 Wichite ion ncaa — ‘iehate Kansas City, Merel Sante, KG. futehingon~c.S. Moll, Hanhattan Pittsburg-Hazel Cave, ritisburg. Garden OGity-- Salinae= ic. Precedents--L. P, Washburn and L.P. Dittenore a. | Ardis Mill Ruth Hoover &. A. Thomas(¥m. Mifflin) Katherine Geyer mentVof Physical Zdueation Gurricula in Tescher Training ae Men Rut oover, KU, ----Chairmane--—-