L. P. WASHBURN, EDITOR KANSAS STATE COLLEGE ORAN SHEARER, PRESIDENT-ELECT ALLISON INTERMEDIATE — Kansas Health and Physical seu. seve ove secre HENRY SHENK, VICE-PRESIDENT KANSAS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL Ed - . ‘ aoa JUNCTION CITY ucation Association sd insta DISTRICT COUNCIL MEMBERS See ee HELEN G. SAUM, PRESIDENT HELEN G. SAUM, MANHATTAN E. A. THOMAS, TOPEKA KANSAS STATE COLLEGE W. H. MIFFLIN, COFFEYVILLE RUTH HOOVER, LAWRENCE MANHATTAN, KANSAS ARDIS HILL, KANSAS CITY Manhattan, Kansas. October 26th,1938, Dr. F.C.Allen, University of Kansas, Kanrence, Km sas, Dear Dr. Allen; I was able to get K.F.K.U. tonight for your 6;00 P.M. broadcast although "Amos and Andy" were running you close competition from another station nearby. It is just the kind of program we need - information, suggestion and ehlightenment for those who have no conception of physical education in the "educational" sense. Thank you for your letter and the enclosures I do hope that the other radio stations will be able to contribute to the programs. It depends largely upon the person in charge - it takes someone willing to put the time and effort into the planning of interesting material. I have received Dean Schwegler's acceptance to speak at the convention but Dr. Hertzler replied that he could not leave the hospital during the day. If we find it impossible to get the Humphrey-Weidman Group for Friday night, I shall plead with him once more to come for that session. I have written to N.P.Neilson, national secretary of the American Association for Health, Physical Education andRecreation inviting him to attend out meeting if he is in this section on his way to the National Convention in San Francisco April 3. If he comes, we should try to get members of the State Board, Mr. Markham, Dale Zeller and others to attend the meeting,as I believe his background and position would carry some weight with them. Thank you again for your fine work on the Radio Publicity. When we have able people like you on the Council, there is no reason why the association should not do something out- standing this year. e “Helen G. Saum,Pres. %.H.&. FP BA.