i meeting of the Executive Committee was Called immediately following the adjournment of the Gouneil. Miss Bagel Cave was appointed as Sec.-Treas. in absence for the year of Miss Nevins. March 24 and °5 were set as the tentative dates for the Assoc- lation Convention. There was considerable discussion regarding hotel accomodations, | it was decided to use the Community louse for the general sessions om Friday evening, Saturday morning and afternoon. ; Miss Hirni sugeested the following persons as appointees to the convention committees: pet 3 ; fxbibits--Joe Rieh, Junior High School, McPherson : 88 Warner, MePherson College Mixer and dance--Velen Hirni Nowpisehity~—ifor siutents te BRgaicel SRST SE tn care for student arrangements, Miss Sauna called for suggestion for speakers for the convention Motion for adjournment carried, ; | Kal Cs Secretary-Treasurer