1. effort must be made to emphasize the value of an adequate program of eal eiueation for the public sehools of the state. Both the Sie aa i pt oe lag tg 5 agent ayn «ag publied for the dur PEiaieA wiher Will aid’ in ovteht i a favor- aie evatense osname physical edueation: le A from the field of physical education partioct; —s sonanel. Program of the State Teacher's associat 2. The spring seoting of the Hh P-BaA. so designed as to attract : La aetaes ae vac : “ofe onal organizations. crea shade, ‘district wa Sour educational roar: a t~ Coney organiz sions, Seaieth and civic clubs by tee eecblen Sith be chunked te tee ane ar sid aeannats tests and the practice of systematic grading in keeping with the so- called major subjects. 5. A movement sponsored, favoring a regular elass period in physical @dugation every day. 6. More emphasis given to intrasural activities for ehila and less to Varsi' oF interasholastio athletics for. few. 7. Trained, aceredi teachers are best to sponsor sush attitules and ideals. Ths guaek in. etten net aly willing but anxious te promote activities for all the — athe: Sent cltecha suas Sinaatinstine’ ales anr*cm ‘ aiiministrative emphasis upon “championshi makes any constructive ee Oe attention of the general publie and educational authorities, the eritieal need for safe athletic programs, systematic health ins stion and periodie examinations for the normal ee Se efully planned program for the physically handicapped. Suggestions follow for preeedure: « Gooperation with the iooal, eounty and state health units is of much value. 2. Establish intelligent and professional relations with the local, eounty, and state medical associations ani ask their advice and assistance. S. Plan “limited” programs suited to the children “exoused" from physical education work. Gonsult the attending physiedan and encourage his thorough understanding of your whole program and ideals. Ask him to hel P you select activities for the handicapped child under your direction. Cheek your results with hin. 3. A state syllabus should be compiled. The state department of education should be asked to cooperate and advise. 1. Present status of physical education to be determined by a survey in cooperation with school authorities.